Groin pull

Anyone recover from a groin pull…how long did it take and how long did you have to stop riding?

I have a (self diagnosed ) one, got better for awhile now came back. I will get an MRI on it but pretty sure this is what I am dealing with. thanks for any feedback:confused:

Mine took several months. I tried to ride with it, but that only made it worse.
You should have a doctor refer you for some PT. That’s what really helped me.

I also tried to ride through it for a few months–just got worse. Finally stopped riding for 2 months and had physical therapy during that time. That was many years ago, and I still have to be careful–it’s not as strong as before. Now, if I even feel a tweak, I stop riding for a day or 2 or 3 until the tweak is gone.

thanks for the feedback. My MRI is tomorrow than Dr will offer treatment plans. I am anticipating 2 months of not riding.

I needed a solid 4 months off. Doctor and PT both said groin needs regular daily light use and stretching or else rehab regresses. I thought the agony was with me for life but all of a sudden it vanished almost overnight.
I feel for you, they hurt.

Mine took FORever to heal, but I was young and stupid and kept riding. They are famously long, slow healing injuries.

I had a groin pull, not major, but enough to make riding difficult. PT made it worse, had a doc tell me it was my arthritic hip and refer me to get an injection, which didn’t do much since it wasn’t the hip.
I did some on-line research and found ART - active release technique. Chiros and PTs will be the practitioners trained and practicing, but there’s a searchable database of those qualified. In ONE session it was almost gone, and by 3 completely gone. I also learned how to do it on myself for subsequent pulls (as that is common in the groin). It was nothing short of miraculous to me to have my riding life back in a couple of weeks. I highly recommend you look into this.

One year to fully heal & don’t ride for awhile (8months) ?

Thanks for suggestion of ART< I will research it. A good friend of mine is a chiropractor and I will work with her , she is the one I went to for this and she ordered me to get an MRI, results should be in tomorrow or Friday. I will ask her about ART.

I go to barn every day and hand walk and hand graze him, he is happy as can be and is happy not to have to work!

I had one. I rode through it, but it was horrible. PT made it worse. Had to stop riding for 6 months due to work travel, and that fixed it. It’s not as sound as it was before, and I’m very careful now (no deep lunges, etc), but so far so good.

Any updates on this? I’ve been suffering through a groin pull now since September…gutted it out to get through the show season, but now the pain has also migrated to the lower core muscles. I’ve been in PT for about 4 weeks now, the therapist has been doing some Graston on it, but the pain has just been really inconsistent. Some days it’s adductor, some days it’s core, days when I think jumping is going to hurt like hell, it actually feels better, days when I think I’m going to just do a light hack, it’s killing me.

I was trying to tape my adductor muscle to finish out the season, but now that the pain has moved higher into the core, I’m at a loss. On days when I ride, even just hacking, it will keep me up at night, because the core muscles will twinge every time I go to turn over in bed.

Two days ago was probably the first time it hurt bad enough from the get-go that I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do much. Just posting the trot was pretty much agony.

And if you say time off from riding - how much? I’ve finally got the horse of my dreams, and feel like I have a limited time to show him, so I don’t just want to bail for months at a time. Not to mention I’d probably go bonkers and drive DH crazy in the meantime…

Are you sure it’s a groin pull? I was suffering from severe groin pain and it turned out to be my hip.

Pretty sure - my PT did a whole lot of pushing and pulling on my pelvis and hip to try and see if there was any instability/injury to the hip itself, and nothing came up at all. I’m supposed to see a hip/pelvic specialist, but can’t get in for another three weeks. :frowning: But let me swing a leg over a horse, and it’s instant pain. I’m getting fairly depressed about the whole thing…just the constant, nagging pain is really a bummer…

hi everyone. Sorry to hear more people suffering from this. Back on Track ( e horse products ) also makes people stuff, they sell bike pants ( waist down to right above knee ) compression and ceramic heat so I might try them to wear.

Me…my chiropractor who is a friend got me a discount to get an MRI done (out of pocket expense), it showed four torn muscles…oddly she said not my adducter thought that’s where I feel it. It was not a contrast MRI so limited maybe the adductor was torn and she did not see it.

She did some laser and TENS treatments (over a month duration) and they helped, taught me few therapeutic exercises. It is slowly getting better but I sometimes wonder if it will ever heal or ever be 100% again. I am pretty much a recreational rider at this point, used to have aspirations about dressage, well that’s gone. I have only ridden a few times lately, walk and light trot is fine, I do feel the weird pain in canter so now am not doing it…though 2 weeks ago I cantered a bit and was okay, last week tried jogging 5 lousy steps while dog walking and had pain.

I did not ride at all for close to 2 months, am paying trainer to ride him twice a week, plus expensive board to take a pony ride once a week! Nutz…

I did buy a stationary bike , will get it next week, online research but she also said it is good PT for building strength and low impact for inner thigh…when I tried it in store I actually felt better for 2 days in a row after, will update after it is in my house and I use it a few days.

Good luck and update with any news

the shorts below from back on track

I don’t understand how doctors and PT professionals don’t seem to really know what this is or have good ways to treat it. Very frustrating . perhaps it really is just time and as riders that is the hardest thing to abide by

Thanks for the link to the shorts - I ordered those right away - anything that might help.

I went to the hip specialist last week, and his immediate reaction was to get a PRP injection - I knew they used them on horses, but had no idea they were doing them on people. He said it was one area where they had a fair amount of success with PRP, since there is already limited blood supply. That and four weeks rest, which given the crappy weather recently, doesn’t upset me too much…so injection is scheduled for next week. Here’s hoping…

What is a PRP injection? Thanks. I did not order shorts yet, will do soon hope they work

It’s Platelet-Rich Plasma…they draw your blood, spin it down in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets that have more of the growth factors in your blood tha can promote healing, and then inject the blood straight into the tear in the muscle to kickstart the production of new muscle fibers.

I won’t lie - I’ve been googling for a while now, and I’m pretty nervous about the whole thing - I don’t do great with needles to start with, but I don’t know what else to try. The MD was very confident that groin pulls could definitely be helped with this treatment…

sounds scary ( and expensive?) but worth a try …let us know how it works…it sounds like it will at least speed up healing. Mine is healing albiet slowly, and I did not ride the last 2 weeks as I really want it to mend in the healing stage and not have to keep backsliding. I am building up strength with ligth water rowing on stationary rower, floor excersizes and will add statinary bike. baby steps