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Groom's "quarters"

One groom (for the Brazil team) commented on the picture. She said that the official housing is 45 minutes away, so yep, the tent is it if they want to stay close to the horses. Which they obviously do. This is completely ridiculous :no:


and with maybe Florence coming this might be really uncomfortable :frowning:


Unless they tents/sheds are tight and well air conditioned, and the grooms are used to camping in high humidity, it will be uncomfortable regardless. Forecast right through the 23 is still hot and soupy.

Yes, I am personally acquainted with a groom who is currently at the games and the “bunk in a tent” is the accommodation she has been offered. She is NOT a happy camper. And there is a hurricane headed to North Carolina…so a tent seems beyond ridiculous. Belissimo’s statement explains the problem but one wonders who on earth did they rely on for planning such an important aspect of the games?



I work in project management and personally doubt that could be built in the time frame available even if the government isn’t involved like it is in my job. Shite happens in construction…


Official statement from Mark Belissimo - the tents were / are an option and now they seem to scrambling as fast as they can to find something else. This seems to confirm all the stories of incomplete construction and many promised amenities not ready in time for the Games. http://www.chronofhorse.com/article/mark-bellissimo-releases-personal-statement-regarding-2018-weg-grooms-accommodations


I would expect that many grooms do not want to be housed off site. Long days being made longer, and the inability to manage their horses as per usual.


Color me shocked that Belissimo over-promised and under-delivered.

You’d think that they would’ve realized oh, I don’t know, a month ago that they had no shot at getting enough housing completed and pulled the ripcord to get a more viable option in place. Are RVs ideal (though, honestly - many of them are nicer than my house)? No, but they a huge step up from tents or essentially crates in the middle of a parking lot. Those modular “accommodations” certainly do not match the PR releases of months ago.

Though none of the current onsite options are going to pleasant if the hurricane parks over Central North Carolina next week.


Most grooms I know would prefer to be onsite, but these tents are not suitable accommodations in any respect. The lack of air conditioning (thank heavens it cooled down slightly today), electricity hook ups for fans, shower facilities, and privacy is appalling. Saw many RV campers there yesterday which must be housing grooms, and “sheds” being brought in. But this was an expected need - horses need grooms and accompanying care personnel.


I agree, and the owners and riders of these world class animals will no doubt be displeased if the grooms are not able to look after the horses as is customary. 45 minutes is too far away. This is an embarrassment.


This is such a shame. Like everyone else, I really wanted these Games to be a success and something repeated in the future. Let’s hope that at the end of the month we can look back and agree that while there were issues, they managed to pull it off at the 11th hour and overall it was a great event.

Of course, one can’t help but wonder if less time had been spent planning gladiator polo and more on general logistics, we wouldn’t have reason to be worried about the next couple of weeks…

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I’ve never been to an event of this caliber, but I’ve mostly seen grooms sleep on cots in stalls set up next to the horses, on their own or relying on the barn owners for food/drink/etc… I hope this leads to better treatment and recognition all around for the people that care for the horses.

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It’s appalling that the horses get better care than the people. Wrong priorities.


No. I guarantee you that as livid as everyone (including the grooms) are over the grooms’ accommodation, they would be ten times as livid if the grooms had cushy perfect cabins on site but the horses’ comfort and safety was compromised in stabling. The grooms will always put the needs of their equine charges before themselves (although I hope everyone including the grooms would draw the line at valuing the horses’ lives over human lives of course.)

It’s not wrong priorities to have completed and valued the horses quarters over the grooms. It IS wrong priorities to prioritize areas like vendor villages or restaurants or fancy walkways with covered meccas or grandstands or whatever else bells and whistles Bellissimo dreamed up over grooms quarters.


A lot of big show barns treat their grooms pretty terribly here in the US in a way that is totally not done overseas. I wonder if that’s what made them think they could get away with halfa$$ing the grooms accommodations.


You would think that Bellissmo would have made sure that everything was perfect when horses and grooms started arriving. I have never been a fan of his and was sorry when TIEC got the games. He seems to be in it for the dollar sign only and I hope these games can run smoothly and not make us look like idiots. The grooms need good accommodations to be near their horses.


It does make you wonder how Mr.Bellissimo’s family’s grooms are treated, and if he is aware that most countries (those members of the developed world) value their grooms as important members of the team.


That’s repulsive.

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