Guide to all things Pony? - and, meet Grundy

Ok, the original barn quilt design tangent is too far up thread to find, but I finally finished my friend’s Christmas gift based on them last night. And as promised, took pics. I ended up making four individual squares so she can hang them in any orientation she wants. The colors do have a little more contrast in person.


Absolutely gorgeous!

Wow, they’re amazing!

Thank you! They are one of the biggest sewing projects I have done and I was a bit anxious about trying it.

Merry Christmas from Grundy!

She has been QUITE the hooligan lately, just a lot of gas in the tank. Learning how to hold it in when on a line is tough work. Finally got her back into a brain space where a ride didn’t feel suicidal today, she was a very good girl.


She’s rockin’ the holiday accessories!


She was totally unenthralled - until the snacks came out. Then she was all about it!

Some pictures of our ride today.


I’d like to mention as well that Grundy’s food aggression is so much better. She totally gets the routine now - when I walk in with grain she needs to get to the back of the stall (or right outside the door) and face me. I put the grain down and take one step back. She is not allowed to move towards the grain for 10 seconds, at which time I exit the area.

To start with it was a whole lot of back and forth getting her to remain motionless. Then, she would remain motionless but be pulling some SERIOUSLY nasty faces and flinging her head around. Now, she’s got soft eyes and the long upper lip of begging, and pricked ears.

What a change. Good girl.


Today I realized “Grundy” fits into the Gumby theme song like it was made to be. She had to hear me sing it probably a hundred times while doing some desensitizing.

Poor Grundy. And my poor neighbors. :rofl:


Thanks for the ear worm :crazy_face:


She looks great! Glad you could take advantage of the 3 day warm streak we had because it’s coming to a screeching halt here this week :sob:

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Every time I read this thread I think of:


My DH and I hired a neighbor girl to look after our 3 horses over T-giving weekend. She forgot all about it and the horses went unfed for 3 days. Luckily they had water. I have no idea how she forgot, you’d think her mom would have been all over her to take care of business.


Oh my!

That is quite a bit of forgetting.

Poor horses. Glad they were all OK.


I just don’t get how a person can forget something like that.

When I had my first horse, I lived with my then BF, future ex DH, on a property with two houses. He was subletting from the person in the other house. We went away for Thanksgiving weekend, and the woman in the other house agreed to take care of our horse who lived out back (on two acres). Well, she fed him all right, which just involved tossing out a couple of flakes of hay twice a day, but totally forgot to fill the water trough. It was good size, a barrel cut in half, so she must have not given him water at all that weekend. We came home to a very thirsty horse, but luckily he didn’t colic. It was fairly warm, being Southern California. She was very sorry but that wouldn’t have paid a vet bill.



Oh boy, there would be “words” over that! My hubby’d be holding me back :rage:. Hope the horses were OK.


They were okay and very happy to see us pull in. DH called and asked if she had forgotten to feed. The thing is, our place was right next to theirs, no trees separating so you can see who comes and goes. One would think you leave the house and would notice that the horses needed to be fed. We never saw or talked to them after that. If the girl saw us outside when she came out, she’d head back into the house.


So she was dumb, but not THAT dumb! I would have given her a piece of my mind in a very calm, low voice.

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It’s been too cold the last few days to do anything, so I hung some feed bags for desensitizing, incentive being some yummy second cutting. Train yo self!


I took Grundy out to show a long time friend. She was in the cross ties. We were BSing, getting loud, lots of laughing and pointing and movement around her face, and there was no head flinging the way she used to do. Good girl.

When it was time to go back outside, she was literally asleep in the ties. I unclipped her, went to lead her, and it was like the rope was clipped to a statue. I walked up to her and patted her neck, you could see her eyes light back up, she did a huge cat stretch and came right along with me.

Grundy, you are the weirdest. Broke to death in some ways, wild as a damned cat in others.