Oh yes… and for ME it’s compounded with my inner voice telling me my coach probably doesn’t believe my daughter is sick, or she thinks if I was really dedicated enough I’d find a way. I know that isn’t rational, but it’s the loop that plays.
Thankfully my trainer has kids and is super compassionate.
But I think I should take it as a sign that maybe any big goals should be saved for spring/summer. I just don’t have a lot of control between winter illnesses and weather. Got to just go with the flow here. Lol
Monitor this for bronchitis or walking pneumonia which tend to be bacterial infections following a viral respiratory illness.
I’m thinking it’s croup right now but yeah I am a bit worried about pneumonia. I talked to a nurse today unfortunately its not our first rodeo with nasty respiratory illnesses with her…no fun either way.
Finally healthier in our house, the weather has been crap but my horse got a massage yesterday so I guess he’s still living the life
Late to this but. December 10 I slipped in cat barf, rolled my ankle and ended in a death drop. On the way down I yelled Jesus Effing Christ, but yelled the full EFF word. Two x rays and an MRI showed no breaks, ligaments and tendons intact. Ortho said in nice words, you really did a number on your ankle. I start PT Tuesday and plan to ride the weekend of the 18th.
This has been a long way to say my horse has been on vacation since December 10. She’s had one or two training rides by my instructor and a couple of zoomy rides by one of the barn teens. My mare won’t forget her training and quite frankly the weather has not been conducive to riding.
Don’t feel guilty and don’t worry. Your horse will be fine.
Well, dang, Peedin! You need bubble-wrapping! Feel better soon.
That sounds… Epic. I hope you heal and get back on your horse quickly.
Oh man, I’m so sorry!! I hope you are healing well.
Well, thanks to you I’m banishing the winter guilt and using the conditioning program above and not giving a thought to footing. My husband did some laps around the house with the snowmobile and I realized… that is perfect! A giant oval, enough snow we’re not destroying the lawn, the dusk to dawn light at night… it’s perfect.
As long as the cold and snow stays, we’re golden. If it goes away, the weather will be good enough to haul out. So all bases covered. Thanks for the kick in the arse!
It’s beautiful out, enjoy it! We went for a night hack a couple nights ago - snow glistening, nearly full moon … we are all very privileged to enjoy what we have to enjoy!!!
Yes! A full moon ride is in my plans tomorrow I believe.
Well I got one walk only ride in before norovirus hit my house and then we had 5 days of horrible temperatures, with wind-chill as low as -30f at times! My trainer did work him once for me when we were sick.
The temperatures are warming up a little bit and I have a lesson scheduled today. I think I’m going to tell my trainer we need to just do groundwork though. It’s not going to be THAT warm (high of 21 but my lesson is in an hour so not even that warm.) And they didn’t get a lot of turnout this week. And I had to reschedule my horse’s farrier appointment because of the temperature. So he’s a week behind schedule too.
I think it’s just unfair to crawl on him since he has kissing spine (Even though he seems to be doing well with it.) So I think a weekend of ground work and then back to under saddle work next week is wiser.
Fingers crossed the stars align for me!!
Haven’t ridden my 6 year old in a week. Have a lesson tomorrow and it should be about 12 or so. Wish me luck!
Good luck! My guy was really sane today even though we just lunged and did some in hand lateral work.
I’m riding tomorrow. I’m hoping his trainer rode him today, otherwise he’s going to be a handful tomorrow.
My horse had like a month off at least so I’m right there with everyone. Fun with snow sliding off the roof now too lol!
Sliding snow is the worst. It startles me too! Temp currently sits at 5. I hope it warms up!
Yeah it really is startling, it can be so loud!
Fingers crossed for warmth and sanity for you! Going to be 40° today woohoo!! So I’ll be out again today. Then it starts snowing tonight and all day tomorrow 🫤.
But so far next week looks better with at least a high of 40’s everyday. So fingers crossed we can start getting semi consistent again.
How did your ride go? My guy started off tense with some small spooks. To be expected. Then BO has her pony and mini in a makeshift stall in the corner of the arena. So they came in during my lesson. Given it was feeding time, 15 degrees, no riding in a week, and having the BOs horses in the arena was new, I would say Asher did quite well. Not that I wish every ride was like that!
When is summer again??