Gun Runner Wins the Whitney

And wins very impressively. I did not see the race, just the replay. Apparently he finished with a horseshoe entangled in his tail, and it might be from the front runner. Hope he is OK, not hurt by that piece of metal banging his back legs.

I saw those photos of the shoe stuck in the tail hair. :eek:

TVG got permission to post them from the person/company that took them.

Yeah, Gun Runner made it look easy. If Arrogate doesn’t fire in the TVG Pacific Classic, he’ll have real competition in world rankings from Gun Runner (as well as potentially in the BC Classic).

Just caught a brief segment on TVG with Caton Bredar (who’s hubby manages Gun Runner’s jock).

The shoe came off Cautious Giant about the 3/8, flew up in the air, landed on Gun Runner’s rump and slid down into the tail where it stayed.

Pretty amazing that it happened and it was caught on photos/videos :slight_smile:

Gives new meaning to the saying, “has a horseshoe up his a$$.”

And they threw the horseshoe away in the winners circle; a fan retrieved it, the trainers went back later and paid the fan $100.00 to get the shoe back.

Looked like Cautious Giant lost half his foot in that shoe. Feel bad for that horse.

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Fun story - my husband and I left the track after the 10th. We were parked near the Oklahoma track. As we were driving out, a golf cart appeared and the guys in it motioned for us to stop. Who crosses 10 feet in front of my car? Gun Runner.

No entourage, no trainer, no crowd, just him and his groom. Must have been coming back from the test barn. I would never have known it was him, if he didn’t have on the winner’s scrim blanket. He’s just a plain little chestnut horse. Very unassuming. But man, did he glide across the track down the stretch. Poetry in motion.

Very cool experience.

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