H/J show barns in the chicagoland area

Hi all, I have just moved back to the Chicago area after graduating in December. I have had a few years off/not been riding consistently and am looking to get back in the saddle preferably somewhere I can eventually begin leasing and showing again. I’m familiar with a stable in Morton grove but am hoping for some barn recommendations nearer to where I live in Beverly. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

How far are you willing to drive? Do you need a by the ride schoolie or can you lease or part lease and can you give a ballpark idea of your budget limitations?

The better you can define your needs the better the chance of meaningful recommendations so additional details are also helpful. Like do you want more Hunter, Jumper, Eq, want to ride with Adults, need late evening hours? Want a serious show oriented program? Want more casual? What about an Eventing focus?

Stuff like that avoids wasting your time. I always found going to a local show and just walking the barn aisle and hanging around the schooling ring and gate quite revealing about which barn(s) to considered and which are a hard pass.

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I am willing to travel within an hour south of where I live. Right now I don’t mind joining a lesson program and riding school horses as I get re-acclimated but down the line I’ll want to be somewhere that offers leases or could support my goal of ownership. My budget right now allows for monthly lessons or a partial lease, I am working on growing my savings. I have more experience in the hunter/eq ring but I am open to jumpers or eventing. I would need a place with evening hours or weekend openings. I would like to be somewhere I have the option to show more seriously and I have no preference over who I ride with. Thank you for the show suggestion, that is something I hadn’t thought of but will be sure to try!

I am judging a college zone final at Ledges at the end of March, and doing a clinic at a new barn on the Sunday after. I could ask them where they are and what they offer?


I would greatly appreciate that!

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Hi! Welcome back! On the southside, my first recommendation is Downtown Equestrian Center. They are in Peotone, but from Beverly it would likely be about 35 mins. The commute is easy and dare I say- very little traffic most of the time. They have a couple instructors there that would all fit your needs. The instruction is really good. They do leases and shareboards and there is something for everyone. There are a lot of adults that ride there, from the moms groups to the adult ammies who show all summer. There are numerous opportunities to show at the schooling level all the way up to WEC Ohio and Ocala. Hours are really flexible. The facility is evolving, so currently the indoor is very small, but that’s my only minor complaint.
The second recommendation I have is Johnson Equestrian Center. Also a lot of adults and plenty of leasing, shareboarding and showing opportunities. They host clinics and show regularly and they have an indoor and at least 2 outdoors. This facility is under new ownership in the last few years and they seem to have really grown.
There is also West Gate in Beecher. I know the facility is really nice, but I can’t speak to the lessons or show schedules. Definitely something to put on the list, and probably about the same distance as Downtown for you.
Let us know what you decide!


Thank you so much for all of the suggestions! I’ve been able to get in contact with one of the stables, I will reach out to the others as well.

Seconding the recommendation for all three barns here. All great options with really lovely trainers/staff.