HA for humans?

Has anyone tried an oral HA supplement? Of course I am getting stiffer and stiffer in my joints as the years go by and I am really noticing it this year. I already practice yoga, but I recently realized that I am not as flexible as I was last year…

There doesn’t seem to be much compelling research that it works, but also not much downside to trying it orally. I have had it injected in my knee twice. The first time had very little stiffness and swelling at first, and more than a year of noticeable relief. The second time I had a big flare reaction with days of swelling and stiffness, and not a dramatic amount of relief

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My sister takes oral HA and swears by it for her knees.

I know a lot of endurance riders who take their horse’s Lubrisyn and swear by it

I’ve used my horse’s Lubrisyn for several years for pain from broken bones while healing. Also used for old injuries to my back/vertibrae and it helped me get through many days of cleaning stalls.

For me, it started relieving pain in about 20 min., but kept the discomfort away for most of the day. It was a lifesaver.

Also used it for my old dog’s arthritis and DM.

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I’ve tried it a few times–both pills branded for people and lubrisyn for horses–and not seen a benefit. But there’s really no risk, and it’s not expensive, so, sure–give it a try to see if it works for you!

I use a human pill form from our local pharmacy. Yes, I do find it helpful. If I run out or skip a few days, I am noticeably stiffer and painful. If I stay on it, I am mostly pain free except for some of the worse weather days. Nor super expensive, but I do try to stock up when our store has it BOGO. Every penny helps.

I use the NOW capsules. Wasn’t sure it did anything until I missed taking them a few days–never missing them again. Like anything else, helps some individuals, no effect for others. Buy some and see if it helps.