So I got a short-shanked Sprenger hackamore about 6 weeks ago, and my horse loves it for flatting! She’s a very tense mare, and every time we see the chiropractor, has a lot of tension in her TMJ. (She sees the dentist every 8-10 months as needed, not a teeth issue- she’s just a stress case) I like using the hackamore on her, because she’s very soft and happy in it. HOWEVER, when she gets overzealous jumping, she runs right through it. I just did a four-fence lesson course on voice commands because she was not backing off when checked with the short-shank hack.
Should I try a longer shanked hackamore? A combination? A Kineton?
I was looking at the combinations, and don’t like the combos’ gag action. I was thinking about doing a snaffle with the hack and two sets of reins so they can be used independently, like only when she really gets rocking and rolling. Thoughts?