I’m looking for some formal advice on what hair is appropriate in the hunt field. I currently wear mine completely up in a hairnet just like hunter/jumpers. However, I’ve seen women with hair down in a hairnet and also in a low neat bun. Is the a specific way of doing a bun for hunting?
For appointments classes and with a top hat what is protocol here? Should hair be in a bun? Would there be a fake donut-like hair piece that you’re rolling your hair into to make it look like a ballerina? Or would it be something along the same lines as the buns that woman in Saddleseat competitions do? Is the entire head for an appointment to class covered by a hairnet including the bun or do you do your head in one hairnet and the bun in a separate one? Sorry don’t mean to be too weird in this regard but I’m all about details and I wanna be appropriate, especially when it comes to appointments classes.