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Half Pad Recommendations

My Thinline Trifecta pad has seen better days (in all fairness, it’s a solid 10+ years old). Before I replace it with another one, I wanted to see if there are any other recommendations out there. I have a custom saddle so shimmable is a bonus but not necessary.

Are there any other half pads out there that are thin and shock absorbing that people love?

Invictus. I have the non shim version but they offer a shimmed version as well. I also have the prolite 6 shim which is well liked by the horses but I have a slight preference for the Invictus. I will say I have a dislike for Thinline so YMMV.

If you don’t need shimmable for your saddle, look at the new one Thinline came out with, designed for shock absorption without changing fit. I have one and really like it, the flexible mesh spine helps the fit.


Here’s what I keep around and fits most issues if your saddle generally fits. Ogilvy memory foam, mates 1/2 pad shims w/ wool front n back and the thin line you have. They are all different so if you can try one before you buy that would be best.

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I have a trifecta and the sheepskin trim was looking RATTY - so I bought some synthetic fur on Etsy and replaced it. Good as new!

In case all that’s wrong with it is it is looking worse for the wear.


I love Mattes, can’t beat sheepskin and research shows it’s the best for backs. Plus they have a variety of sizes and options.

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I can tell you what I wouldn’t suggest. I just got a Hufglocken (it took like 4 months to get). It is so thick and fluffy, not sure there is any world in which it would fit any of my saddles properly.


I use Mattes. My fitter and chiropractor like them best. Even with custom saddles, it’s nice to be able to shim if you have a change in top line for whatever reason.

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I have one I bought used for dirt cheap that has just one tiny piece of fluff on one corner, so I’m guessing it had sheepskin trim at one point and someone ripped it off. :rofl: Mine is pretty discolored and definitely not pretty, but it only cost a fraction of the price of new and does the job, so I’m very happy with it as a schooling pad!

So, if the sheepskin is the issue, and you wouldn’t mind it being sheepskin-less, OP, perhaps removing it altogether could be an option as well? Or replacing it like lazaret mentioned!

I love the ecogold half pads. I use the non-shimmable, but they do have options for shims. Hold up really well.

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I just got a Winderen pad. I have only used it for a couple rides but my horse seems to appreciate it and my saddle does feel slightly more stable (it was already pretty stable). They have varying widths and I think (?) shim options. Not cheap but I am a fan.

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Unfortunately I think the Invictus pads are discontinued. You can sometimes find them used. In fact, mine is currently consigned at a small tack store in Kansas. If you’re interested, PM me and I’ll send you the website.

I have a Mattes shimmable half pad that I purchased through Hufglocken in Australia when they still carried Mattes. I would replace it 10 times over. It works for so many different horses with the shims.

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I’ve been wanting to try one of those!

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I have the thinner Winderen pad and I do like it, but it’s a little thicker than a thinline. I have both the slimmer and full thickness Winderens and the thinner one is definitely the more used of the two.

that’s the one I was as thinking of, you said thicker than a thin line? Do you find they fit nice around the wither and shoulder? I find some half pads go too far down in the shoulder.

It is thicker than a thinline cotton trifecta pad, which is the other one I use a lot.

Otherwise the shape in the shoulder is very similar to say a Mattes half pad.

I will add that the Winderen pads have a large stretchy gusset at the wither, providing a lot of space and adjustment for where you want the actual pad to sit. I have a decidedly unfashionable AP type saddle and I got the dressage pad per Winderen’s recommendation. It does fit the shoulder as I would expect.

I have a Winderen also. There are shims of various thicknesses which make it easier to get a subtle fit. My former horse has asymmetrical shoulders but the shims corrected that. I like that they’re felt. It just worked better for me than the various Thinlines I’ve used over the years. It comes in a large variety of colors, but I got one to match my saddle. I do wish I’d gone with the 17” pad for my 17.5 saddle instead of the 18.

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