
I just clicked on my tag for COMH and I came up with a dental site! What is up with that? Do you have any idea? How can I get rid of it? And can I post pix of my darlin cat or do I just get to send a link?
Thanks a lot!

:eek: I’m sending a flare up for the tech folk. Thanks for letting us know!

Mod 1


Molly Sorge of the Chronicle here. I am the administrator of the Chronicle of My Horse website.

The COMH network is no longer up on the domain www.chronicleofmyhorse.com, but COMH users can access the social network site COMH at the direct ning address (http://chronicleofmyhorse.ning.com). Everyone’s still up there, and you can post photos to your heart’s content! Sorry for the inconvenience.

Once you find your page at http://chronicleofmyhorse.ning.com, it would be a good idea to change the link in your BB signature so people can find you!

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at molly@chronofhorse.com.

Thanks! Molly Sorge

Oops, sorry, I should have said to change the link for your bookmark, not your signature!!

The problem is your focusing on the things in life that don’t really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did.