Halter Without Buckles

Due to RA in my hands it is getting very difficult to buckle/unbuckle my halters. Can anyone suggest a halter without buckles just to use for leading/grooming?

I use an Accent halter, so I don’t unbuckle over the horse’s crown, just a large clip (that’s easy to open) by the cheek.

Might be something to look into?

Why not just a grooming halter for those purposes? Adjust it once and then slip it on or off over the ears.
it’s not a good idea to lead a fractious horse in one (in case it slips off over the ears accidentally when they are dancing around and you’re trying to maintain control!) but I like using them around the barn because they’re so easy – and you can groom your horse’s face more easily!

You might try a rope halter. You could also modify a regular halter to use velcro. Maybe not for the crown piece but for the kind that snap under the throat latch you could replace the snap with velcro.

Diane Kastama

I, too, have RA and struggle with strength and fine motor coordination…so, I sympathize.

What I do:
I use leather halters with a throat snap.

The leather seems to make the halter more supple and easier to manipulate/hang on to.

The snap is brass and looks like a tear drop - you push IN to open, rather than DOWN.

I use electrical tape to hold the little “door” on the snap open.

The horses only wear the halters for handling, so no worries about getting hung up on something, but you still have the throat, in case a horse gets fractious.

NeverTime is right - grooming halter would probably work, too.

As for dealing with buckles - I have some success with a hoof pick, the rest, I just have to bring in the house for SO to do for me…

I have nerve damage in my left hand, but I lack dexterity in both hands. I have found I do best using leather halters with the little springy cheek clips. If My hands are too bad, I can just lead my horses with the cheek snaps unclipped.

You can get halters with snaps or clips at the through latch. Just make sure it’s soft leather. You’re hands will thank you.

If you need it for a turnout halter, you can replace the crown with a breakaway strip.

Okeden Bay Halters http://www.applesaddlery.com/riding/halters-leads/c233870/c378010833/p17033100.html

all velcro. I had one for my mare and loved it.

UGG! i know of the perfect thing for this but I cant find a link to it! Our BO has halters (regular style… shaped like a normal halter) that is fat woven rope with a pull through top… the crown loosens to take it off, and then you just pull down on the inside part on the left side to tighten it up… Does anyone know what i am talking about? cause i think this would be perfect! and easy for non dexterious hands haha

I also get sore hands.

I got a “Got Ya! Pocket Catch Halter” from Tractor Supply. Probably can get them else where too.

It is basically a nylon rope with a ring on the end. It is easy to halter the horse.

I also have my horses trained so I can reach under and use their manes as a halter. Also have been known to use bailing twine. Works. But for round the barn the pocket catch halter is very handy, also on trails too. Simply clip to the saddle or me.

It is by www.bmbtack.com which is listed on the card it came with.

but check out TSC. Not expensive. Mine is a really neat blue. You could have them a different color for each horse!

Also I just use a halter that slips on over their ears. But if I want to clip it I can. Usually leave unclipped and slip over and off their ears.

I have one of these for my horse:


It’s stood up to a year of daily use, multiple times a day. It’s kind of the go-to halter for everyone at the barn because the clip is so easy to use. It only comes in one size but that size fits everything from 14.1h pony to 17.1 WB. It’s a smidge big on the ponies but there’s room to spare with the WBs.