Silly question, but one that has been bouncing around in my head after watching random videos, as one does.
When you hold the reins, are your hands straight up and down - thumbs on the very top? Or are they knuckles forward, thumbs pointing towards each other?
I was always taught thumbs UP. Straight up. Elbows in. Now… I’ve slipped on this horrendously and tend to end up with thumbs leaning inwards towards each other a bit. Feels more comfortable. Bad habit, I know.
But I am seeing videos of flat HUS classes, AQHA style (or maybe actual AQHA - I didn’t check) where the hands are stretched out in front in the exact same position you’d hang on to a dirtbike’s handle bars.
What the heck is that about??? Is this what they look for now??
Educate me.