Hand Position - Thumbs Up?

Absolutely, there are a lot of functionally correct jumper riders (and hunter!). I was just pointing out that even the more "out of whack’ riders developed a foundation for getting a horse to do his job in a functional manner, with more correct equitation, which has allowed then to stray from that form and still retain the ability to allow and even cause the horse to do his job well. But it’s still better, and usually easier, do maintain correct form. Chris Kappler is one who historically has a very swingy, unsupportive leg over fences, leg approaching a 90* angle sometimes over fences, standing on his toes in the stirrups. But you couldn’t argue with his successes, AND, while I can’t prove it, I would imagine while he was coming up the ranks, he had much more correct equitation and just developed these habits along the way for whatever reason.

There are upper level Hunter riders who duck so far over fences they’re face is on one side of the horse’s neck. That doesn’t help the horse at all, it’s not correct, it doesn’t help bascule, but those horses do well despite it.