Hello! I’ve had my beautiful “gelding” for a year now. He came to me underweight and muscled, and we spent the first few months just getting weight on him. This is my first spring with him being fit and healthy. Normally he’s been (somewhat) of a sweetheart, but a few weeks ago he started to act aggressively towards our stall cleaners, and he bit one of them quite badly. I decided to do a lameness exam with flexions, and then scoped him for ulcers. Grade 2 lesions were found and he started Gastrogard. Hoped that his behaviour would get better, instead it has gotten increasingly worse. I now believe he is actually a cryptorchid stallion (and have contacted my vet about this). He challenges my space, lunges at me, strikes out at me etc when I am in his walkout to muck. I noticed today that he is starting to hang out in his paddock while…”hanging out”. We do have mares on the property that are in season, though he is on a side of the barn that happens to be all geldings. While I have been riding for many years, he is my first horse and way more than I bargained for. We had great summer, fall and winter riding seasons, but I’m in way over my head with this behaviour.
Any advice for dealing with cryptorchid stallions? I put his halter on while mucking his paddock so that I can grab his lead and make him back up when he challenges my space, but there is just such a lack of respect and boundary that continues despite that. I’m in over my head and don’t know what to do