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Happy Customer Service Thread--Standlee Hay

I just wanted to post a happy customer service thread!

Standlee Hay has gone above and beyond to rectify a quality issue with their compressed, baked hay. I got a few bales that have some funny brown weedy things that are hard, the horses were not interested in it even if I picked them out. The goats wouldn’t even eat it. . .

I contacted the company, and offered to send pics of the brown stuff, their reply was to please send the pics, so that they can get them to their quality department, but that they were going to send me coupons for free products. They did say I can return the product for a refund to Tractor Supply, but they were still sending the coupons.

I will not pack all the hay up and take it back, now that it’s open, it would be a huge mess! So I very much appreciate the coupons! They did warn me about purchasing from TSC, not that they won’t stand behind their products, but that their products could sit for a VERY long time before they get to the stores, which if the packaging is damaged, can lead to mold etc. . . She assured me that if I ever have a problem, to just let them know! She also told me that they are working hard to get into smaller feed stores, so that they are more widely available.

Overall, I was quite impressed with how generous and easy to deal with, will continue to purchase their products!

Glad they came thru.

It is interesting that they warned about buying from Tractor Supply.

I know, but we don’t have another choice around here. If we bought a truckload at a time, I could get quality Timothy, and Alfalfa, but I just supplement our normal hay with them, and we don’t have storage space available for huge amounts of hay. . . So I will have to continue on with TSC for Standlee.

It did make me happy that they will stand behind their products no matter what!