Happy sound!

I moved my horse to a new barn. For three years she has been at a barn with no grazing save for 3-4 weeks in the spring when the cheat grass comes up. She is getting introduced slowly. The last two days she got about 5 minutes…today up to 7 minutes. Mind you it is heading into winter but I am still going to take it slowly. In the spring, she will get turnout on pasture. I plan on checking bloodwork first. And for sure she will have a muzzle on. Even if she isn’t IR, she can put it away fast enough to give herself gas colic.


When I moved my boy home upon his retirement, he finally got to be a pasture pony. Granted, he wears a muzzle most of the year but watching him enjoy being a horse is so nice.

My mare is at a barn that emphasizes turnout and she’s so happy. Thank you for sharing your mare’s joy.

So happy for your girl!! Thanks for that sound. So many wonderful memories attached to it. Makes me miss my beloved Fiesta, Dusty and Gatsby.
:heart::heart::heart: :racehorse: :racehorse: :racehorse:

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A very satisfying sound, indeed! :slight_smile: :musical_note: :notes:

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