Hardware removal/cleanout of shoulder...update!

Found out that the screws that were placed in my shattered humeral head need to come out, as they are causing me so much pain that my PT is pointless and I’m not gaining ROM. So…my July is now shot as the surgery is scheduled for just after July 4 to remove to screws and “rotorooter” it all out to get rid of scar tissue. I’m at 4.5 months post original surgery.

They plan on putting me on a CPM?? machine post surgery and then 5-day-a-week PT for 2 weeks. Anyone have experience with this?

I really wanted to be on my horse by August :frowning: but October is sounding more likely.

Update: Surgery scheduled for July 27! finally. I have got all my PT appts. scheduled out for 3 weeks. But, I’m a teacher, and by the end of August, I’m back at school getting my room and curriculum ready. Might get interesting! And, 4 days after this surgery, my horse heads to the County Fair with his little 13 year old lessee! That should be FUN. I haven’t been to fair in years…um…like 25! He gets to do 4-H jumping. I get to be horse show mom in a sling. Can’t wait.

I had hardware put into my shoulder for seven months then removed. My collarbone broke again so the hardware was put in again. After the seven months I needed to let the bones fill in where the hardware had been removed, a few weeks - then back to riding. I hope all goes well for you too.

Yeah, my surgeon told me I’ll have to be very careful until the holes fill in, but I’m not allowed to ride at this point anyway. I am in such pain now that if it mostly goes away with screw removal, I’ll be happy. I’m totally stuck at this level in my PT for ROM–I can “heil Hitler” with my left arm, but not raise my hand for attention:winkgrin:! I am just feeling sorry for myself, really, that my summer plans are changing due to this. Mr. CC is not pleased that I won’t be able to help him with hay, and that he’ll probably have to put on my underwear again for a while:lol:. Poor him.

I had hardware removal surgery and it was a cinch. Mine was leg though. I will send some pity your way. It’s 94 here, so a good time to be laid up and NOT get hay. Might as well go to the beach!

Shea’s mom–we are suffering from record low June temps and an excess of rain. So far, June sucks–gray, wet, moldy, cool, green. I’m hoping Central Oregon has more sun, so hay will be cut before August there! The sun may come out in the afternoons here. So far, we’ve had one day of 80 degrees…since last September!!!

I don’t think the surgery will be huge, but my lord, shoulders are a bitch to rehab. Give me an ACL or back surgery over this. But not really, God, I’ll just finish this one up first, please!!:wink:

Calvincrowe, I broke my shoulder and collarbone on July 17, 1996 - that was the longest summer. The only thing I was lucky about were the Olympics. I had to be in bed, did I say I broke all my ribs on the right side also, so I was lucky to watch the Olympics on television. Did you know one sport is paddleing a small boat on one knee? I didn’t until that summer. Hang in there, it will get better. Have you tried ice for the pain or magnets, both worked for my shoulder.

STA- ice helps, but the pain is pretty manageable, as long as I stay busy. I’m just stuck and they figure the screws are holding up the parade. I broke 2 ribs, the bottom tip of my scapula (apparently with my own elbow!!:eek:) and my humeral head broke into 4 pieces–I was “this close” to needing a shoulder replacement at age 42. My PT keeps reminding me that I am badly broken and it will take lots of time. I’m on their 6 month plan…lots of holidays to celebrate with baking I’m told :lol:. Never should have let slip that I love to bake…

My right arm broke my ribs. What a coincidence, it is June and your PT thinks six months of therapy will do it. Funny my PT was done at the end of the year also, but I am sure that did not have anything to do with insurance.
I had hardware in, hardware out, broke again, hardware in forever. You should hear the noise at an airport. You are going to have a great result, have patience.

Good luck healing!!

CPM- continuous passive motion machine. I have never used one and see them prescribed more for knees- ACL reconstruction ect…
I have known two friends that had knee surgery and both had to use one while they slept. If they had time during the day to use it they could use it then too.
If I remember correctly it helps prevent adhesions helps to increase the ROM. You start at one ROM and every couple of days you increase the range. It is PT while you sleep.

I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to sleep with a machine moving my arm! Unless I’m heavily drugged, and my PT tells me I won’t really be in much pain after surgery. Hmm… I know I begin PT with my two miracle workers (Heil Helen! Hey,Jeff Dude!) the next day and continue for 2 hours daily for 10 days. Such fun to be had in July! I suppose we’ll finally get sunny and warm weather then.

Hey Calvin, I was just about to post my update 5 weeks out from surgery and I saw your post. I’m so sorry to hear of your additional setback! I feel like a loser saying I’m psyked because the surgeon let me lose the splint. Sending good thoughts your way!!!

Twotone- no worries! I look at this as a positive (chanting my calming mantra…ohm!): Maybe my pain level will come down and I’ll finally get back on a horse!! I have a fat TB just standing around the pasture that I really want to get back in riding condition and my Paint is teaching a youngster the ropes in the jumper ring, so he at least is on the job. I’m just frantically figuring out how much I can cram into the next two weeks that I’d planned on doing in July. EEEK!

Hopefully you will get the desired result and move on. Sounds like your horse situation is exactly the same as mine, one is away from home with a job and the “culprit” as I like to call him now is getting worked by someone far more spry than me. Hoping to maybe get on in the Fall too!! At least hubby finds it easier to do my chores with only one at home and in and out at that. I won’t be helping with hay either this year though!

yeah…just when you have “Plan A” perfected!


I am so very much feeling for you. Undesired down-time is crummy. I broke my left collar bone five weeks ago, and had a plate put in. Then they decided I needed rotator cuff surgery in August on right shoulder. Also might need future surgery on left rotator cuff. DH has been great…now if I could only teach him how to use a blowdryer:)

I am very lucky to have a great trainer who is riding my horse while my wings are busted. Very thankful for that.

My non-horsey son said to me when I broke the bone, “Mom, your plan B is now your Plan A.” Hahahaha…I think I’m now on Plan G! I’m sure you’re moving through the alphabet, too!

Glad you’ll be getting rid of the pain.

Mr P had that when he had elbow surgery straight out of the recovery room. He had a catheter in his shoulder for pain meds for 2 days. They sent him home with a portable machine he was supposed to use…he didn’t.

Don’t follow his example