Has anyone had an EMG and/or Nerve Conduction Study?

I fractured my humerus in mid-November and had an open reduction surgery (plate and 6 screws) on December 1st. Upon waking from anesthesia and after my nerve block wore off, I discovered I couldn’t move my hand. Somehoe during surgery, my radial nerve was compromised/severed/pinched/stretched/insulted/generally pissed off and now I currently have a radial nerve palsy.

I’m scheduled for an EMG (electomyogram) and nerve conduction study tomorrow and I’m not sure what to expect. From what I understand, it’s not going to be fun, but it also won’t be horrible. Any experiences with these tests and what can I expect?

I had one done for possible carpal tunnel. It’s uncomfortable and weird and creepy but not all that painful

My daughter had one done, yes, creepy, but not painful! Good luck!

It’s nothing, it makes your arm twitch a little bit, doesn’t hurt a bit.

OK, uncomfortable, weird and creepy I can do! LOL. I just wasn’t looking forward to yet another painful procedure.

Definitely not painful but feels like exactly what it it which is tiny electric currents travelling down the limb the nodes are attached to.
Good luck and I hope you get a full recovery!

I liked the first half - just odd muscle twitches…the needle part was a bit more painful, when they stick the needle in and you have to flex that muscle. My arms were sore and felt really tired when it was all done. Just take some advil - not a big deal overall :slight_smile:

Well it’s over! Certainly not an experience I’d like to repeat. They really shocked the &^%* out of me trying to stimulate my radial nerve. It kind of felt like getting shocked by the electric fence OVER and OVER and OVER with increasing intensity. It went through 7 levels of intensity before moving to a different location. They had to do it 5 places on my bad arm and 2 places on my good. The needle part wasn’t too bad but like jumpymeister I’m very muscle sore right now and I have bruises on the baks of both arms! It took close to 2.5 hours all together!

The worst part was the diagnosis; severe and seriously compromised radial nerve at the surgical site. I’m probably facing more surgery to further explore the nerve and the prognosis was guarded for return of full function.

It’s OK, I will ride again soon!

I had it done after my wrist healed from a crushing injury. It was mostly just weird feeling except the part where they stick the big needle into your palm and tell you to push against it. That part sucked ball$ to be honest. It wasn’t unbearable but it also wasn’t anything I would willing do again…lol.

Longleaf, I admire your determination, on the ‘It’s OK, I will ride again soon!’

I hope the fact that this was demonstrably iatrogenic means the surgeries to fix what was Eff’d up are free! Good luck and keep us posted.

I had an EMG after being blessed with a severely comminuted tib/fib fracture about 3 years ago. The day before the study I suffered massive hardware failure (undiagnosed at the time b/c my doc’s office blew me off when I called to report the increased pain, redness and swelling - a whole 'nother story)and on the big day I had a fever of 102. It turns out I do have extensive nerve damage (um, I was already very aware of that, thank you) and I was diagnosed with osteomyelitis shortly after the EMG (MRSA and Staph. Epi). I thought it was torture, but then, with recently broken plates and screws and a raging systemic infection I may have been on the wimpy side that day. :lol: I’m so glad it wasn’t that bad for you, OP! And I wish the very speediest of recoveries!

I had one on both hands for carpal tunnel and on my back/leg. It’s no big deal. I didn’t think it hurt, just feels weird.

LongLeaf, I had lots of EMGs when my Ulnar nerve shut down, in my dominant hand at that. It took a while & surgeries but I have about 80% function back. I can ride but my right hand does drift so I have to pay attention to it more than my left. The radial nerve is not as sentitive as the ulnar so your chances of a good recovery are excellent. They may do a transposition if the current nerve doens’t start firing. Make sure you ask about stimulation for the muscles that nreve innervates. Those muscles need to keep being stimulated or they ill atrophy, and some of that may not come back.

Yes. I had it on my face. It’ll be fine. The worst part is the very tiny pricks of the needle. You’ll be ok!!