Has anyone transitioned from loop reins to standard reins


has any1 done it?
and if so how?

Do you mean loop reins as in the continuous rope reins?

Or the reins with loop-like handles at the end? Maybe like this:

Do you mean loop reins as in the continuous rope reins?

Or the reins with loop-like handles at the end? Maybe like this:
No I’ll post a photo when I get them back from the saddler

Im starting a month of constraint induced therapy on sunday to achieve this goal

How Is CIT Actually Done?

As you can gather from the above, the key intervention in CIMT is forcing a person to use a dysfunctional limb as much as possible. In fact, in stroke survivors who are left with arm dysfunction, the goal is to “force them” to use only the affected arm to perform routine activities such as cooking or getting dressed.
Mittens and arm slings are used to prevent patients from using the intact arm for at least 90% of a person’s waking hours. The program carries on for several weeks. In addition, patients participate in intense physical therapy sessions of the affected limb for at least 6 hours per day, up to seven days per week.

Studies have shown that this rigorous program improves function by inducing a functional reorganization of the brain.

Finally got a photo of my reins


If ypur done with them i could take them off your hands:D you should try different types of reins to see what is most comfortable and easiest to grip. In my quest for the perfect loop reins i have tried different types. Webs with stoppers seem to have less slippage and are farely easy to hold, aslo good gloves help lots

Not done with them yet. you would be have to pay postage from nz.

No prob, pm me when your done with them:) i pay a arm and leg for shipping to canada regardless where i buy anything( as to why its so expensive i dont know)

sweet will do hopefully by the end of the month

Yes, once upon a time, with great, thin leather gloves and really soft leather reins with rubber down the inside AND stops.

And a horse that was really nice in the bridle - great connection with only about 2lbs in each hand!

You can do it!

Teddy - when you’re done with those reins - send them on down to me in PA!

Where are you having your programme set up? Interested because I am working with a number of stroke patients at the moment, and have been looking for programmes in NZ.

Why don’t you keep the reins - great reminder of how far you have come!!! Besides, you will go on riding for ever and so loop reins will be great when you’re trying to hunt and have arthritis:D

Where are you having your programme set up? Interested because I am working with a number of stroke patients at the moment, and have been looking for programmes in NZ.[/QUOTE]

one of mates who is a c5-c6 quad (who is rehabed to the point of not using any equipment) who used to work at the better(i dont like the head of dept myself) spinal unit in county as a wheelchair/equipment tech/builder(with an interest in hand therapy). im living with him at the moment

If you would like i can add to people i send email updates about my therapy too

Because I NEVER needed them. They were RDA way of making me a meal ticket(haha i owned my own or having been lessons in between horses since i was 12) i rode at diffent RDAs for 8 years before that

I tried having paradressage lessons for about a month at best RDA(for paradressage) and I was going backwards

So its not an endorsed programme? Rather one that your friend is setting up for you?
And it does depend on POV as to which spinal unit is the best:winkgrin:

I had hoped that someone, somewhere was setting up individual programmes that were endorsed - so that we could import the programmes or the provider or trainer into our DHB.

So its not an endorsed programme? Rather one that your friend is setting up for you? [/QUOTE] Yes

[QUOTE=phoebetrainer;5763832]And it does depend on POV as to which spinal unit is the best:winkgrin:[/QUOTE] yes it does

yes we do need funded programmes i looking $$000 in equipment alone im lucky the hands on pt is free

My first riding lesson aimed at riding like a NORMAL person was today.I will always handle from my wheels.

We went from the para equestion physiotherapist saying you don’t had function to even hold the reins in the photo and you need to learn to ride with 1 hand and Velcro your bad hand to your jacket and WALK only.

To walking and rising to the trot holding standard reins on a lunge line(security blanket). Need to work on my feet slipping and twisting in the normal stirrups and in clogs (in a really good saddle without knee blocks) today caused really light upper leg spasms(both sides). The spasms don’t happen today in the normal stirrups but safety first. Everyone’s expectations (instructor,the hand therapist,myself) were exceeded and I feel fanatic and im thinking about staying longer month.

In 1 lesson thanks to the limits of a para physio (who i dont think liked me) being lifted

Cyfskid- good luck with your therapy! I wish i wasnt progressive and could try it. Your reins will be very welcome to my hands since my pression reins snapped( yes snapped:)

Progressive condations suck(it looks :lol: like i have ushers) as well as cp

Can please pm me your address teddy

And I could have another horse stand on me(she reared up i slipped and she landed on my shoulder) any day but next time i would get intensive rehab straight away(mum chose not to because of my cp) not 7 years later(when im adult she still doesnt me doing any work on my right arm).

Hows your thearapy going?