Has anyone tried Chug? Additive to water to encourage horses to drink

My Vet ICU did something similar when they first became concerned about my mare drinking at the start of her stay—she thought it was the best thing ever. (She normally doesn’t get anything sugary, thanks to being an easy keeper.) They did it with warm water, but I imagine tap water is fine.

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Mine really likes Apple a day powder and I just mix with a little water and put it in a dosing syringe. Admittedly, she was very good about oral meds, but she finds this the least offensive.

We tried Chug–equine crack! Horses “chugged” it down very enthusiastically. We also throw a handful of Replenimash in a bucket of water and they seem to love that also

My trainer also offers water after every ride, and they seem to get in the habit of drinking a bucket or so.

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A barnmate just started to use it. Her horse loves it and would chug it down if she let him.

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I mean if she drinks out of coolers, I’d let her have a personal cooler.

My pony is like that. He can have perfectly clean water and will drink from a giant mud puddle.

Water with a few mints in it works as well.

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I’ve heard very good things about Gallagher’s Water - https://gallagherswater.com/

Never tried it, but several folks I know with poor drinkers are swearing by it in our current heat wave (11 straight days of 105+).

I have been seriously impressed with this on several different horses. Even the ones that are generally picky seem to gulp it down.


This is what I use and it’s been a lifesaver this summer. My gelding drinks fine at home but refuses to drink off property even when we bring water from home, but he LOVES this stuff. He gets visibly excited when I start mixing it and sucks it down no problem. The single-serve packets are so easy to pack too.

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we are using Gallafher’s Water, the 12 pack cost $24, one of the feed stores we use for TEFF that stocks it so it easy for us to obtain

None of our horses have rejected it

Thanks, everyone! Of course I’m battling some miserable virus so haven’t ridden since Sunday – not sure where to start with all of these great suggestions!

I got some to try for my horse who sometimes needs encouragement to drink enough, because he’s IR and so I was looking for an alternative to his favorite blue frost Gatorade powder. He drank the test bucket readily, but now has decided it’s meh. My other horse seems to like still it after a couple of buckets.

Apple juice is also what worked with my picky gelding, during an impaction colic. Offered alongside water with Gatorade, water with an electrolyte product, and then grain-enriched water, apple juice was the winner. Half a jug (about 32 oz) per 5 gallon water bucket, and it got him drinking and kept him drinking.

I also keep electrolyte paste and loose salt in my tack box. I can either give the electrolyte paste or syringe salted water directly into his mouth to help encourage drinking too.


I just ordered a bag. We’re away at a show this weekend and my guy doesn’t always drink well. It’s supposed to be in the high 80s, low 90s so I figure it can’t hurt to try.

Fingers crossed for morning ride times! :joy: :hot_face:

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Reporting back - my guy wanted to play in it, not drink it. Good news is he drank plenty of regular water so he may just not have been thirsty when I offered it. I’ll give it a few more tries to see if he’s more interested.

First impression is the packaging is a total PITA. Bag has a zip top but it doesn’t actually seal. Powder goes everywhere when you try to open it, made a mess when I had to fish the scoop out. Ended up transferring the whole bag’s worth of powder to a spare Tupperware. Minor inconvenience, but still annoying.


Thank you for the update.

I’ll kick in a ping for Purina Replenimash. I purchased both this and Gallaghers Water but the later had yet to arrive. This weekend traveling in ~85 temps, took picky mare off trailer and she DRANK out of the Replenimash mixed in water bucket. Like I froze in place as she drank, I refilled it and she drank AGAIN. This is a mare that has never drank any water while traveling and I would make her a hay pellet mash to eat so she would get some liquids during trips.

We’ve tried Horse quenchers, apple juice, gatorade, a mix of her normal electrolyte power previously with no dice.

Obviously an N=1 but we will try this weekend again at a competition and have the Gallaghers Water to try as well. Just putting in our experience with a mare that would not drink.


Thanks for the reminder! I’ll echo this too. I picked up a bag of RepleniMash last week as well. Pony has previously firmly rejected soaked feed of any kind. I fed 1.5lbs AM + PM while we were away, well-soaked but not quite soupy. He slurped it right up and licked the bucket clean. With temps pushing 90°F all weekend, high humidity, and his history of ulcers… getting a full serving of Outlast into him plus electrolytes and some extra water was perfect. Definitely keeping this on hand from now on.

I had the same experience with the packaging.

it is packaged in single use packets, we get the package that contains 12 packets

They are referring to experiences with Chug which comes in a multi-use resealable (apparently not very well) bag.

I was looking online at the RepleniMash but can’t find the ingredients, what’s in this?