Has anyone tried Chug? Additive to water to encourage horses to drink

From the link here: https://www.purinamills.com/horse-feed/products/detail/purina-replenimash-product

Wheat Middlings; Dried Plain Beet Pulp; Barley; Dried Carrot; Seaweed-Derived Calcium; Salt; Soybean Oil; Flaxseed; Magnesium Oxide; L-lysine Monohydrochloride; Dicalcium Phosphate; Cane Molasses; Beet Molasses; Vitamin E Supplement; Vitamin D3 Supplement; Zinc Oxide; Copper Sulfate; Vitamin A Supplement; Calcium Iodate; Calcium Carbonate; Cobalt Carbonate; Ferrous Carbonate; Manganous Oxide; Sodium Selenite

It’s basically beet pulp + Outlast (or at least the buffer ingredient from it) + electrolytes. The NSC is pretty high at 25ish percent but with a relatively low feed rate (1-2lbs), it shouldn’t pose an issue unless the horse has metabolic concerns.

My picky TB will start nickering when he sees the bucket coming and scarfs it like candy. Nice to keep on hand as a little hydration boost after hard work or hot weather.


Ok thanks! I was coming up with a bunch of links but nothing with ingredients.

What has worked best in my experience and that I’ve had good success with is Purina Replenimash as well as Keyflow Pink Mash …also Purina Hydration Hay …I’ve never had luck with any of the additives to water …I also like giving Foxden Equines Tractguard -it’s a very small pellet that is wonderful for even the fussy eaters