Has anyone worked as an equine claims adjuster?

I recently switched focus in my career and accepted a job as a claims adjuster. Has anyone else worked in this role before? I am wondering if it is possible to get a living wage after some experience. I’m considered an apprentice now and don’t know if it is worth staying on. Thanks!

Given the total lack of response, looks like it’s a niche role that might even allow you to make a living.

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I don’t know how it works in U.S. but in Italy you can definitely make a living by working as a claim adjuster. I worked as a claim adjuster for nearly 15 years and I had a very good wage (and I liked it too). You say Equine Claim Adjuster, here we have only a few Equine insurances (mainly for riders’ injuries or third parties damages), I specifically worked in Marine and Shipment.

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My role is for equine mortality or major medical. We pay claims for losses to horses.

That sounds interesting! (Far more interesting than paying claims for lost containers lol). I think it’s a very niche role too, you should have a good wage because it’s very specialistic

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Do you not feel like you can ask your mentor (?) and other industry contacts diplomatically about their experiences?

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I handle Work Comp claims and just wondered about doing equine claims the other day. Unfortunately, I’m at a point in my career where it’s hard to change and make the same salary. So I’ll probably never know. Keep us posted in your new venture though !


My sister has worked in WC claims for years and she makes a decent living. I think you are wise to keep at that. I am barely making ends meet at this point.

We have a very small office and I am not comfortable fishing around…I don’t know anyone else in this field and there has been a ton of employee turnover here. I was hoping I could find someone who could give me some guidance here. Thanks!

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You could try calling the various equine insurers and brokers as well (anonymously?) and ask who handles their claims. There aren’t that many companies that write equine insurance, so I don’t think it would take that long. I know that my equine mortality/liability policy provides info at renewal on whom to contact in the event of a claim. You do initially contact the broker, but if it’s an emergency, you contact the adjuster directly. And insurers don’t usually have in-house adjusters that do this, so I imagine there would be agjusting firms that handle claims for multiple insurers.

Does that make sense?

ETA: Perhaps even the websites for equine insurers/brokers have the claims process outlined.