Having trouble loading new profile pic

I’ve never had any trouble in the past but this morning it starts to load, then just goes to a blank screen and does nothing more. I went ahead and deleted my old profile pic and tried loading again, but had the same results. What gives?

Okay Mods - tried it again this evening. This is being uploaded off my Desktop, size is okay - right pixels and I got either a totally blank screen or the “dead page” where it fails to load. So I went and tried to upload the exact same picture that I had up there before (which loaded a few months back with absolutely no problems). It wouldn’t load either. Is there a glitch in the program?

Sorry–I just saw this thread! I see you don’t have a profile pic up, so I’m guessing you’re still having the problem. We haven’t received any other complaints, so it’s probably not an overall glitch.

If you’re sure the file size is within the range specified, and you’re having it uploaded from the right place, and it’s still not working, you can email me the picture and I’ll check it out from my end.

Thanks and sorry for the delayed response!
Mod 1