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hay hauler?

Looking for a hay hauler that could pick up large and deliver to my farm from Northern PA to just north of Seneca lake. Large rounds 4x4 or 4x5’s
about 280-300 miles round trip

I should think there would be plenty of independent truckers that would make this day trip if the load is big enough to make hiring a Semi worth it. Though there are ones that run smaller rigs. They charge by the mile regardless how full their rig is. I hired one about 10 years ago to ship stuff by KY to Co and was charged $1 a mile. Of course you have to have someone load and unload. You should be able to do a search that will give you some web sites where you can give your shipping needs and dates. Indi truckers search for loads all the time from what my trucker friends tell me and bid on loads.

hay hauler

well yeah I am sure I can search the internet and pick any random hauler. Guess I was more looking for recommendations so as to find someone reliable.

I was not talking about finding some ja-ho with a website and broken down truck. I was taking about a site like this http://www.freightcenter.com/QuickQuote.aspx Booking agents, don’t know if this one deals with what you need. There are sites that only allow quality independent trucker list their services with them. A shipper lists what they are shipping, weight, pick up and destination and when they want it there. Then different operators will bid by the mile if interested. Nobodies going to jeopardize their CDL and interstate commerce license, reputation jerking you around.