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Hay needed in SE PA

I’ve looked at 4 different farmer’s hay this year. One was cut way too late, another was baled wet, one was $6 a bale for crap, and the last had nothing to offer.

I’m on the hunt for 250 (ish) bales of green, soft, 2nd cutting for some super picky old Thoroughbreds. I can pick up, looking for a place within an hour of zip code 19473. I can pick hay up this weekend.
Would prefer alfalfa/orchard hay but will take straight alfalfa, straight grass, or anything really as long as it is good quality 2nd cutting.


You might want to check out the Diffenbach (New Holland) and Weaverland (5miles from New Holland) auctions. You should be able to evaluate several loads that meet your specs. If you bring your truck/trailer, you can off load it right in the parking lot there.

There’s also a hay auction on Tuesdays in Kirkwood pa. You could also try Andy Engle on rt 10 just north of 41, and Marvin King on 926 south of 41.