I use these shires nets, which I love. The large one takes an entire small bale easily and the price point just can’t be beat.
But I’ve got this horse that really needs smaller holes. I’ve used the shires greedy feeder net but even the large one doesn’t take an entire bale.
So. Looking for a net with 1 - 1 1/4 inch ish holes that can easily take a full small bale. I’m grumbly about having to drop so much more $$ compared to my typical shires option. Bah.
Any feedback on any of these nets, or recommendations for others?
$65, not super keen on the long side opening
$53, although maybe the long bale size would be a better choice
$82.50 (cost alone makes this tough unless it’s THAT much better)
$55 but smallest holes are 1.5"
Durability & ease of loading an entire bale are key.