Hayaluronic acid supplements ?

Anyone tried them for joint pain / arthritis? (For yourself, not your horse). My ortho actually suggested HA injections in my knee joint but it’s not covered in my insurance. Wondered if oral supplements have any benefit?

I have a friend who has taken the Lubrisyn for years. I don’t think he was taking it for joint or arthritis discomfort. He drinks a shot of it daily and said that his skin has never been better. I agree as he’s older than me and looks great.

I also have been taking my horse’s Lubrisyn for 5-6 yrs. I start taking it when I have pain/discomfort in an old broken back, it also alleviates the
pain within 20-30 min. of taking it and I’m pain free all day. I can do all the physical work of barn chores when on it.

Another vote for lubrysin!!!

I’ve taken the capsules for years. I don’t know for sure that it helps my joints but it sure is great for your skin!

fwiw, I’ve had the HA knee shots–works great, not painful, lasts a long time. I’m surprised that some insurance companies don’t pay for this. It has to be cheaper than knee replacement surgery.

Lubrisyn is helpful for skin, iME. My dog and I share glucosamine + MSM pills from CostCo. Helps both of us.

I suspect oral supplementation to be as beneficial as placebo, unfortunately.
I had the knee injections and they were exactly as effective as merely draining the excess fluid in the knee was, that is to say, knees felt great for a few days until the fluid built back up. This was true for both steroids and synvisc HA. My orthopedist shrugged and said they help about half of folks that get them.

I was back to riding pain free 5 and four weeks respectively after my partial knee replacements.

I take HA supplements and have taken them for years. If I decide I’m not feeling any pain so I might as well quit taking them, I soon realize that I can’t go without them. I have arthritis in my feet and ankles and can barely walk without the HA. I tried it because it helped my old mare so much! I take NOW brand that I get through Amazon.

Jeano: I gave my old mare oral HA and my trimmer commented that I’d found a new potion for her without even knowing I’d put her on the HA. So I decided to try it myself. It works! Not saying it will work for everyone but it works for me and it’s not a placebo effect.

How much Lubrisyn are you all taking? Thanks.

Quick update: I had the HA injection in my knee (Monovisc) almost 2 weeks ago and the difference is amazing. First two days were so stiff I could barely move but since then has been noticeably better each day. With the pain and inflammation reduced so much I can really do the stretching and strengthening exercises prescribed by my PT and am starting to feel close to normal.