Headstall - advice needed

After searching for a plain, unadorned dark walnut western headstall with plain browband for my 1/4h gelding…I found one…Now I would like some small conchos or buckles to dress it up tastefully…especially to replace the Chicago screws used to hold the bit in place and reins attached to the bit. Sources for these would be helpful…And also how secure are the Chicago screws? Is there an alternate fastening other than the leather strips tied thru? Thanks for your suggestions…online sources would work best. Also, does anyone know how to change out the conchos on a western saddle? Do they screw in or? Where would I get replacements for those…ideally ones that would match the ones on the bridle.

After searching for a plain, unadorned dark walnut western headstall with plain browband for my 1/4h gelding…I found one…Now I would like some small conchos or buckles to dress it up tastefully…especially to replace the Chicago screws used to hold the bit in place and reins attached to the bit.[/QUOTE]

“Replace” as in swap out one chicago screw-back item for another?

When done up with red locktite, you literally need a small torch to remove them. Blue (or super glue) is removable with force. Nailpolish on the threads is a little weaker than blue. Nothing is guaranteed to back out at the worst possible time.

Not really. There are some loop-back conchos as well, but those really need to be sewn in.

Some are held on by the saddle strings, some have wood screw backs. You can buy concho turners if you want to keep the conchos, else vice grips used carefully will do the trick.

What’s your price range? On the cheaper end, Tandy does some nice ones (and a bunch of gaudy stuff too). The antiqued ones are classy.

The bit in this photo uses antique sterling silver and is very expensive, but the conchos are $10 Tandy antique berry conchos and the spots are nickel plated. Nobody has noticed that they’re not genuine.

The martingale conchos are from the same series.


Don’t think there are screw back ones in this series, but I’d just go to their website and check.

The only caveat is that the Chicago screws on these conchos aren’t wonderful, since they’re cast vs machines. The threads are pretty short, so they were a little hard to use when I was making this bridle.

Still, much cheaper than getting a silversmith to make “real” ones.


Jeremiah Watts makes classy affordable stainless steel buckles and conchos for bridles, saddles and anything else you can think of.

This is a bridle I “upgraded” with all JWP hardware- https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/482007_244711005648643_1108137333_n.jpg

Are the buckles attached with chicago screws? If not, you may need a saddler to switch them out, unless you’re up for sewing them yourself.

I know people hate chicago screws with a passion, but I have never, ever had one come off even without using any aids like lock-tite. But I check them before every single ride.

I have had the tie ends break. I’m so paranoid over those, I have about 20 sets of little ties in reserve and change them out constantly. :lol:

I lost a Chicago screw at the top of a mountain…came loose, the bit fell off on one side. Fortunately I was on my steadiest horse, and I just rode him back down with the halter and lead rope. My friend in our riding club had one come loose while were riding in a huge parade, and she was carrying the American flag in front of the group. 250,000 people lining the parade route and she had no bit.

I hate them, much prefer the tie ends…the quick change headstalls made by Blue Ribbon and Harris are my absolute favorite, but very pricey.

www.ranch2arena.com Jeremiah Watts makes classy affordable stainless steel buckles and conchos for bridles, saddles and anything else you can think of. [/QUOTE]A 2nd vote for Jeremiah Watt’s products. My bits are all Jeremiah Watt (have a fix shank ported bit w/roller for cowhorse and a loose ring snaffle for my filly), put his conchos on my cowhorse bit headstall and have all his hardware on my Todd Jey saddle (buckles, conchos & breast plate front ring) - love the look of his stuff. This is my cowhorse bit:


The small concho above the bit is a Jeremiah Watt concho.

That’s the saddle that has the hardware (in this pix the saddle concho, the breast plate large buckle), but you can’t really see them clearly in the pix.

I’ve ordered conchos from Trigg Bros a few times, their prices are fair and they came as promised.


Western Headstall

Thanks for all your thoughts and leads. Now I am doubting the safety of those Chicago screws…mmmm. What are your thoughts on the bridle/reins attached through a strap and loop system? Is it secure? Where would I look for that type of headstall…they seem very difficult to source. Thx in advance for your help.

Strap and loop as in like a slotted concho? Tough to convert an existing bridle from on to the other I could think.

Used with proper lock-tite Chicago screw are fine if you check them once in a while. Without a thread lock, they’re dangerous.

Would this work for you? http://www.buckarooleather.com/quality-tack-on-a-budget/details/560/58/quality-tack-on-a-budget/5/8

Used with proper lock-tite Chicago screw are fine if you check them once in a while. Without a thread lock, they’re dangerous.


My bridle I’m using now has sewn-in buckles and chicago screws for attaching/changing the bit.

Just use a little nail polish or lock-tite, depending on what’s handy, and check them now and then to see if the screw turns easily without moving the concho.

My friend has a bridle like this one- good leather, fair price, Jeremiah Watt steel conchos:

Google “quick change headstall” - several sources come up.