Health problems, and worrying...

(Hope it’s okay to post in here. I think more people who read this forum will get what I’m posting about. :slight_smile: )

I’ve been having a few health problems, and I’m freaking myself out thinking the worst. I’m worried sick that there’s something seriously wrong with me and that I won’t be able to care for my horses. I’m having anxiety dreams where I have to sell my horses because I can’t care for them.

Also, I really hate going to doctors/the hospital, so I’m worrying about that. I feel like one big ball of stress, which is making me feel even more ill.

Any advice? I’m usually fit and well, so I’m not used to being ill.

Ugh, sorry for the whiny post. I just needed to type it out.

Jingles and hugs for you !

First Jingles for you during this stressful time ~ this is one of the most feared:eek: thoughts horse owners have - we are all worried when we care so much for our animals. What If ? Well ~ if there is a problem ~ Go after it ~ and Ask for help ~ there are people who understand “where” you are and will help - many threads about good neighbors and such ~ Be Brave and Pro-Active and not shy to ask for help when and if you need it. Promise ~:yes: horse people will help you. Jingle Jingle Jingle & AO ~ AO ~ AO Always Optimistic ! Most of all take as good of care of yourself as you do your horses and you will be fine ~ please go hug your horses and sit with them and listen ~ they will give you strength and energy or renewed faith and you will feel better . Thoughts and prayers for you.

I send you jingles…This is the worst when we live in the dark, having a few health problems with no significant reasons. Not being healthy enough to take care of my horses IS my main concern.

Good luck with your tests and wish you a good diagnostic !

I hope you can get some answers quick! The not knowing is the worst. I went through cancer and the period where I didn’t really know how bad it was was terrible! I got a friend/doctor to give me a tranquiler. Only time I ever took them, but they really helped under stressful circumstances.
Good luck!

Empower yourself with knowledge. Make plans to be put in place if you do become compromised. Take the worst case scenario, and work backwards.

And here’s hoping everything resolves well!

Thanks everyone. You’re right- the not knowing is the worst part. I think once I find out what’s going on, then I’ll feel better.

The horses can live out if the need to. I can get myself a good wheelbarrow so I’m not lifting and carrying stuff. Any other tips? It’s the tiredness that’s really getting me down. All I want to do is sleep.

First of all, you need to identify what exactly is wrong. Perhas you have done that already and do not want to share the details (which is perfectly understandable and absolutely fine). However, I am reading it as you have so many unknowns that it is causing undue stress, which only addds to the feelings of exhaustion.

That being said, once you find out what, if anything, is wrong you need to get as much info about the condition as possible.

I went through renal failure and a kidney transplant. I was unable to do everything I could do before I got sick, but worked y tail off to do as much as I could. I honestly feel that by forcing myself to continue doing as much as I could, it made my actual recovery from the surgery that much better. I was riding withing 5 weeks (much to the sppecialists dismay) and did my fiorst show at 8 weeks out. granted, it was only a 2 - ftt class but for me it was a huge victory.

Once the illness is identified, ask if pushing yourself physically is a good thng or not. I was told to do as much as ppossible becasue the stronger I kept my body, the better. I was riding with a creatinine of 11 and still not on dialysis. Once I started dialysis i was actually better off but they were nervous about me riding with the PIK line in. I learned that I could do a lot - just not as quickly. I had to rest and take frequent breaks, which made everything take a long time, but it eventually got done. I also learned to accept help. If someone offered, for example, to go get the boys fromt he filed to save me the 1/2 acre walk, I acceted:)

Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile: I have an appointment for more blood tests on Tue, and I think the doc wants to send me for a scan. I’ll just have to go from there.

I know, this is the worst part. It takes so much emotional energy, and very hard to keep your mind from straying to, “What if…?” Hang in there!

Can i have some good luck jingles today? I get my test results today. I should have had them last week, but the was a problem with how the samples had been stored. I’ve got a lovely bruise where the nurse kept missing the vein. Had a bit of pain this morning which has me worried. :frowning: ack, i’ll be glad to find out, i think.

Thoughts and prayers for a good news today just for you !!!

A truck load of GOOD LUCK JINGLES for you today ~ thinking of you during this worrisome time period. Jingle Jingle Jingle & AO Always Optimistic !


Well, the test came back clear. :smiley: I’m so relieved. :smiley:

This is a really good news !!!

At least you have some indications now…I feel so good for you !

Sometimes just knowing that a test came back clear can make you feel a lot better.

I sure hope it does.

Jingles and prayers!


GREAT !!! So very glad to read your update ~ Jingles for some rest for you.

Thanks again. I think I’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight. :slight_smile: First one in quite a while. :smiley:

Glad everything is good! I work in healthcare and whenever I see a post where someone is expressing hesitancy in seeing a doctor to get something checked out I just always want to say: your doctors and your medical team CARE about you. Each and everyone one of you out there. We really do. We pray for you. We loose sleep at night thinking of ways to help make you better. We fight amongst ourselves discussing the best way to take care of you. At least the good ones do. Don’t ever be afraid that you will be intentionally hurt or suffer at the hands of the doctor. Yes there are the rare bad ones that end up on the news but by and large they are an incredibly caring and compassionate group that you can trust. If you are afraid about something - a test, a procedure, a prognosis. TELL your doctor. They don’t want you to be scared and can help give you expectations and make it easier for you.

That’s just my 2 cents. Maybe I’m lucky to have worked my whole life with caring and compassionate co-workers…but I would put my life or my child’s in any of my colleagues hands. Not knowing is always worse than knowing and delaying a diagnosis is much more deadly than facing up to it. So, I’m glad you went and got everything checked out. Peace of mind is priceless!