I do not have water in my barn in the winter. 1860s bank barn built on ledge. To plumb a hydrant would cost more arms and legs than I have. It is connected to the house with an ellway so I don’t need to get wet or shovel snow to get to the barn - it has it’s charms.
I checked to see if heated hoses had been discussed, and yes, they have, but the most recent I found was 2015 and no one was raving. Have there been any improvements? Any new users? The distance from the house to the barn is about 100 feet. I have electricity at both ends, but would prefer not to have to drain the hose. That would be harder than what I do now. I only need to fill buckets, so turn on, fill, turn off. And then the next day, do the same without a thawing procedure.
I am in NH and after a few mild winters where we got spoiled this year got cold December 1 and has been 25 or less since then. We’re getting a reprieve tomorrow and then back to single digits for a week.
I am not complaining too much - it’s not burning, it’s not icy. There are no wild boars or scorpions. But getting water to the barn in an easier way would be lovely. TIA!