One of the first things were we taught in college, oh yes, I have a degree in electronics and decades of experience as a senior engineer,…is
“keep one hand in your pocket”. You don’t want electricity to go across your chest, it’s a good way to die.
Tank heaters become just as dangerous as any other electrical device…in water…when it starts to fail. Electrical devices
Can fail in many different ways…and you dont want to find out the hard way that your tank is now electrified. Water is a great conductor of electricity and the human body , being made up of mostly water, can make a great connection to ground giving the current( current kills) a path thru you down your legs into your feet and then the earth.
Earth is “the ground”. And please…please…please…don’t touch the water and grab a metal fence post as suggested above, that’s a perfect path from one hand thru your heart and out the other hand.
Wear thick rubber soled boots to prevent current from finding an ‘easy’ path to ground and keep one hand in your pocket to keep current from finding a path across your heart…when you are checking your tank heater.
Added: A tank heater is basically a large resistor in a metal cage. The current flowing thru the resistor causes heat which is then transferred to the water by the metal cage. The water keeps the resistor, which is most likely a ceramic material, from over heating and burning up. This is why heaters fail when the water level gets to low, the ceramic burns up and opens the circuit. The electricity is still in the wire from the outlet it is plugged into leading up to the ceramics point of failure so there is still a risk potential here. You do not want a failed water heater to find a path to ground thru the water in your tank… this is how your tank can become electrified.
Now let’s discuss tensile strength of materials. Anyone who has bent and unbent a wire knows that you can only do this so many times before the wire breaks. This is called tensile strength. Every time you lift the heater by the wire, which you have to do, you are stressing the wire connections. Any nick in the wire, caused by you or your horses playfulness is a potential failure cause. Not all failures are going to result in an electrified water tank. Same thing for that ceramic in your heater, you can only heat and cool the ceramic so many times before the material eventually fails.
If you have one of those heavy plastic water tanks, the plastic acts like an insulator, separating the current flow from a failed tank heater to ground…even tho the tank is sitting on ‘ground’ it’s not a good connection…until…your horse comes along. Your horse provides a much better path to ground thru his body, out his hooves, current flows,a potential shock is delivered. If the ground is wet, a better shock. If the ground is dry, maybe not so much.
Same thing with you. If you wear those thick rubber soles on your feet, you are insulating your body from ground so current does not flow thru you so easy.