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Heating a Tackroom

I have a very small tack room that is not well insulated. I am currently using a radiator/hot oil heater and need to replace it as the temp readout is cloudy and it needs reset if we have a power surge.
I’m trying to decide what to replace it with. I’m looking at possibly using an infrared radiant one that mounts on the wall. Pics attached.
What do you all use in your tack rooms. My main concerns are safety first! then keeping my pipes from freezing. I don’t want to use heat tape or propane. TIA

I am not seeing any photos.

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Improve the insulation situation. Oil filled heater is the SAFEST option, less likely to burn the place down. That’s important.

My tackroom is WELL insulated. It’s 16 X 16 feet. The oil filled radiator heats it easily.


What are the specifics of electrical wiring currently in place for the tack room and barn? Do you just want another plug-in heater or to go to something requiring some fairly easy installation like a motel-type heat pump installed in a wall or a mini-split? I have the former as it was included in my barn package but I wish I’d paid a bit more for the latter.

I have a Heat Storm in my lounge that does a great job and is very safe. Another oil filled radiator is also a good choice.

I will 2nd improving the insulation. We did that when we repaired some water damage and the lounge is now better insulated than my house!


We also have a well insulated the tack room. One piece of advice. If you use batting insulation then the mice will nest in it. We used foam boars and cut it to fit tight. https://www.lowes.com/pl/Board-insulation-Insulation-accessories-Building-supplies/4294858106

We also use a oil filled base board heater.


I have been using an infrared heater, which I turn off when I am not at home, and over night, since I am super fearful of fire (as we all are). It is very stable, and won’t tip if a cat jumps on it or something. For some reason, I have been afraid of the oil-filled heater, but will look into them again.
I also had a new much better door and window installed in my tack/feed room and they helped immensely.

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most all oil filled heaters’ power switch is designed to automatically shut off the heater if it is not in its proper position

if tipped over it shuts down

just read the units features before purchasing


I used a garage type wall mounted heater, the type that blows hot air. It was hard wired. If I didn’t go that route I probably would have done the radiator type.

Oil filled heater plugged directly into the outlet + rigid foam board insulation.

Thanks everyone. Sticking with the oil filled heater. I ordered this one. Cool touch, thermostat, tip and overheat shut off. Digital readout.

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