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Heelan Tompkins and Glengarrick

As mentioned on the other thread, Heelan and 20 yr old Glengarrick stormed around the xc at Aachen today.

While doing a little research I found a great article on them.



Btw, they did go on to win that 3 day as well!


what a partnership they have…Tompkins makes me think of Hilda Gurney and the wonderful partnership she had with Keen.

of course, Hilda was also National Three-Day Event Champion of the US before she turned fulltime to dressage.

gotta love event riders!


After watching the WEG video stream, it looks like they Heleen and Glengarrick went clear!! Hooray for them.

hey Em. I just heard yesterday that Glengarrick is 20 years old. BLESS HIS HEART . How freaking cool is THAT?

loved your monmouth pix by the way! thanks!