Helmet for a Big-Headed Man

My fiance is about to start taking western riding lessons. His motorcycle helmet (full-face) is a 4X or something ridiculously large. I’m thinking XL will be the largest helmet on the market. Does anyone know what the largest riding helmet is? Hopefully something fairly manly? Right now I’m looking at the Tipperary in XL.

I’m not sure if his noggin is more round or oval, it’s just HUGE.

My husband rides in a GPA and his head is very large.

I’m hoping for something under $200 if possible. I ride in a JR8 myself, and I really want something nicer. I would be so jealous if he got a GPA!

The Charles Owen J3 comes in very large sizes. It is one of the few helmets that fits me well.

Troxel just changed sizes, or I’d recommend them. Was hoping to replace my Sierra L with another L, but the new ones fit smaller and they don’t make any western-looking XLs. Very annoying.

Can you actually measure him for hat size per some of the fancier helmet brands? That should at least give you a size range to look at and allow you to rule some out.

You may be surprised, though. I generally think of myself as having a large head (cannot wear most one size fits all stuff at all, gives me a headache or pops off) and my current helmet is actually a M Ovation. (I would have needed a large if I’d wanted to do hunter hair, so right on the top edge of M, but still. I do not normally consider myself as having a M sized head. :slight_smile: )

I would also recommend, if you can’t get to a tack store to try on, seeing if you can order more than one size/model and try on at the same time. Ime that makes it much easier to compare fit than if you get one, try it, send it back, etc.

Other than the $$$$$ helmets the only one that fits my husband’s huge head correctly is the XL Tipperary.

Rather than just looking for an XL, measure his head and get an actual hat size. Also, you will want to see if you can figure out if it is more oval or round in shape. Measuring the circumference in cm can sometimes give a little better hat size for some brands.