My friend does the bandanna thing… I’ve been doing my hair the same way for my 2 years of showing here in the US, and it’s NEVER failed!(Unless I managed to put a huge HOLE in the hairnet! !)
1~Put your hair in a ponytail at the base of your neck, covering your ears of course
2~Put the hairnet on, with the little not thingy a little off the side of your forehead(if you put it in the front, your head will KILL after a few hours). When putting the net on, keep your head tilted forward, with the “tail” on your head. This works better if you pull the net over your face(BEWARE if you have braces**)
3~ Make a ponytail out of the hairnetted ponytail, and flip your head forwards again
4~ Put the hat on, from the back to the front, and as you do, make sure your hairnet has slid up so it isn’t on your face anymore. When your hat is on, it sould look great!
~~I use the hairnets I get at Bevals, the riding type ones. I have quite thick hair, and it works well
**Pulling the hairnet over your face(to keep it from sliding as you make the 2nd ponytail) is not a great idea if you have braces! I have had many incidents where I got the hairnet STUCK to my mouth, and it will put a hole in the net…
And this style keeps my ears nice and toasty warm in the winter, but doesn’t bother me in the summer
I put my hair up all the time, even when I am hacking at home, the straps on the helmet annoy me otherwise I’m very picky!