I need help in adding to description lines in the upper right corner of messages
for exapmle, location. I cannot seem to find this in the help forum. Thanks>
To add information to your profile, such as your location, etc., click on “User CP” from the light blue bar near the top of the page.
Your User Control Panel is your home base where you can customize the settings on your account. Click on “Edit Profile” to add info such as your location to your profile.
Also, there’s a pretty good explanation of some of the site’s other bells and whistles in this FAQ page, which may be of help as well.
If you have other questions, just ask!
Mod 1
sorry to bother you, but I still cannot find the right way to add to the location category in the upper right corner.
Your location will show up in the upper right corner of your posts after you add it to your profile via your User CP, per the directions above.
If you still have trouble after you try that, please let me know.
Mod 1