This is a last ditch attempt to help our wonderful Tosh - our vets are stumped and we’re rapidly running out of options.
He’s a 10yr cat we adopted from a rescue group as a kitten, his mother was a feral. He’s always been a very snuggly delight.
In mid April we noticed he was breathing very rapidly, though still seemed quite happy in himself. Promptly whisked him to the vets for xrays, ultrasounds & bloods. His xrays showed severe inflammation of his lungs, but no obvious tumours or anything else. He went onto 0.8ml daily prednisone, which kept it under control until about 3 weeks ago. Further xrays, bloods and a lung wash procedure 2 weeks hasn’t shown anything.
Since then he’s been on 2x daily prednisone (pills with an anti histamine) but he’s only continue to go downhill - way less cuddles than usual, quite shut down seeming at times. He’s never been a great eater, and has lost quite a bit of weight. We’ve tried all sorts of different foods (wet, dry, treats, chicken, mince, warm, cold etc) but he’s basically stopped eating since Sun. Just a few bikkies here and there.
My husband took him to the vets today and he’s had a shot of steroid (as giving him the pills was stressing him) and an anti-inflammatory. Instructions are to try him on an asthma inhaler/nebuliser so we’ll try that tomorrow.
There’s no obvious cause for the inflammation - we don’t use sprays, air fresheners, perfume or smoke. We’re on a little farm with no close neighbours and no-one is spraying anything on their paddocks (it’s winter here). Our other cat is absolutely fine. My husband and I are distraught, we adore our animals and he’s just such a special little soul.
Anything the wisdom of COTH can offer?