Help! My mailbox is full. How do I save PMs?

Ok, this is a very newbie problem. My pm box is getting full. I need to move the pms to another folder. I can’t find the directions on user cp. I tried to move a bunch and lost them and the inbox still says that I haven’t cleared the inbox, at all.

You all are important to me, I don’t want to lose you! Helpppp!

You should be able to download them to a text file, it should give you the option - last one, download as text. Worst case scenario, you can always cut and paste.

When you have your inbox open, select the messages you’d like to save elsewhere by checking the box on the right side of each message.

Then scroll down to the bottom of the list of messages in your inbox and click on the “selected messages” drop-down menu. Highlight “Download as TEXT.”

Follow the prompts to save as a file on your computer.

Let us know if you have any other questions! We moved this thread to the Help forum and tweaked the title so other folks with similar questions can find it more easily.

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