I need help pricing a saddle that I’m about to list. It’s been great for my guy when he was still too skinny, but he’s since gained weight and our saddle fitter says it’s no longer a good fit. I asked her what she thought I could sell it for-but she said these saddles range in price so much that it’s hard to give a good idea without looking online herself.
It’s a Black Country Vinici Tex Eventer from 2012 I believe. It’s a monoflap with the surge panels, so it has the wool underside to it. Buffalo leather, 17.5” medium tree. It’s in really great condition, but it is on the older side. I see what they are listed at new, but the new Vinicis are very different from the old ones-so I really don’t know. Anyone got any ideas?? (I am based in the US, fyi).