Help us with the video ad debacle!

Our advertising department is interfacing with Google re: the issues with the video ads, and they are requesting screen shots of the offending ads, and links to the URLs to which the ads lead.

If anyone would like to help provide those when they’re struck with the curse of the flipping page, and want to try to grab that info for us, it would be greatly appreciated. You can email the info to me at – you can drop a post in this thread with a note about the ad info you’ve submitted, so you guys aren’t duplicating effort.

Figures when I WANT one of these ads to appear for me, it’s not. :slight_smile:

Thanks for any help and, again, we’re very sorry you’re dealing with this annoyance!
Mod 1

@Moderator 1 and it is not appear is a bad thing??? :smiley:

Will do if it appears for me again (I hope I don’t curse myself that I haven’t seen the behavior in two days…)

Thanks for being so diligent in following up on a, IMO, fairly obscure issue that isn’t easy to track…

What do you know, no jumping pages this morning?

Maybe they did get that fixed? :slight_smile:

Seems like the problem is back with a vengeance since yesterday. Things were going smoothly for a while, and now the pages are back to non stop reloading (causing my whole system to slow down), and the videos will pull me down to the bottom of the page any time I try to search my post history or do a general search of the site.


Nothing here … yet, anyway.

Hope they are on the ball and get it stopped soon.

May ought to PM the Moderator directly, with the big, long weekend coming up?

Yes!! I’m about to get off COTH for the evening because it’s driving me crazy!

P.S. I don’t know how to screenshot on this tablet, sorry Moderator 1.

If anyone can try to identify the ad that is causing the problem, even if by name/description only, we’ll try to kill it.

Sorry for the trouble!
Mod 1

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I have not experienced this as I am running Privacy Badger… but you can review everything Privacy Badger blocks so that you can allow a specific ad to run and it has the web address of the ad…

Thanks for starting this - I came here to bring back the older thread but this is better - the ad flipping issue is really bad these last 2 days.

It’s not that it’s a specific ad, at least not for me. It’s ANY AdSense video. Not a slide show, not pictures, but every AdSense video. Humera and Rav4 are just 2 that I have seen most frequently, though I’m sure there are others, and I’m sure the ads are different depending on users’ cookies.

I will also start making a list of ad sources that show up in the lower left with “waiting for…” because that is happening even more than the ad flipping now. I am constantly waiting for COTH, and constantly getting “this browser is not responding, Wait or Kill” for this site, and never any other window I have up.

Right now it’s it’s a whole list of them that is making this post take close to 10 minutes now to make with all the freezing.

I’ve seen a streaming service show up, some “springer” site, a “vid.eo” or “vi.deo” or something similar, and others.

Related to ads or not, not sure… but am I the only one who can not navigate forwards/backwards [ie from page to page] using the page numbers at the bottom?
I must go to the top and hit the arrow button.

And if I go forwards a page, I often can not like, or quite, or comment on a post… I have to scroll up, arrow forwards or backwards, then arrow back to the page I was on, and then I MIGHT be able to do any of those things listed?

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I get non stop videos from Vueling…they run constantly, same video in multiple ad windows as I scroll down a thread, cannot shut them off …just replied to a PM, or tried too, and got stuck in flipping screen hell. Had to shut off my iPad and get rid of . Took 5 min to load the Help Forum and post this…just seems there are ads for numerous products with Google on the bottom every few replies now as well, seems way more then normal even without the running Vueling videos paired with almost all of the regular pop up ads.

And I, too, have had problems with navigation features like the arrows and turning pages.and really slow loading to the point I just give up. Based on past experiences with crap like this, guess I’ll do housework, see y’all next week, enjoy the holiday.

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Thank you for looking into this.

Still no trouble here, yet … none whatsoever, maybe posting running a little slower, that’s all?

I am also not getting any annoying video ads either and don’t have additional ad blockers, other than standard with Safari ones.
I also don’t have ads at the bottom, never had those, just the six on the right side plus the COTH ones.

The other time, it was other posters for a few days having trouble before it hit me, wondering if that will be like that again, hope not.

The elephant with the ball - it say zoo across it is playing havoc with my computer today (Sunday) about 330 PM EST

I had the Zoo/elephand/ball video earlier this morning without any trouble, but then a realtor ( video followed it, and it was the jumping/flipping game again.

Here is the latest…Lincoln. Clicked on the bait click to their page:|2246484|147251487|81019119|320441436

Rav 4 and Gadgnews have had me flipping all over the place tonight.

Thanks everyone. The advertising department has the link to this thread so they can follow your reports, but also please feel free to email me directly at if you’re having trouble posting.

It was AdSense for me and to my horror and offense it was for funeral / burial services… something I dont believe in. Made me not visit COTH. I am not seeing video ads now , nor do I remember them in the past. I have a new HP laptop with window and no ad blockers

The video ad space today - for Xfinity security, now Sears is playing - it keeps flipping the page up.

P.S. Ad folks I’m not buying!!

Get Realtor - new video ad just now which would not let me move away from it.

As an aside - every now and then there is a weird issue with an ad populating the reply box. As far as I can recall, as it’s very infrequent, it’s always a large Boehringer Ingelheim ad image.