Help! When I log in on my phone, it logs me out immediately if I change pages - I have to re-log in again

So, how can I fix this??


What kind of phone, and what browser are you using? :slight_smile:

Iphone 7 - not sure of the browser? it’s on my phone “desktop” so I just tap the icon…It worked fine up until about 4 or 5 days ago, then started logging me out :-/

@Dr. Doolittle

​​​​​​​Have you re-checked the “remember me” box when you log back in?

Hey Mod 1, yes - every time.

I ATTEMPTED to respond to this yesterday from my phone, but it wouldn’t let me :mad:

FWIW, the browser is Safari (according to my daughter, more learned about these things than I!)

Any suggestions??

Hows abouts the good ol “clear your cookies” recommendation? :slight_smile:

Letsee here…ah-ha. This should walk you through it.

Thanks, Simkie! Done, and will check on whether it works…

Eureka! That seems to have turned the trick, thanks so much Simkie :slight_smile:

Yay!!! Glad it worked :smiley:

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