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Help! Where to ride on NJ side of Philadelphia?

Hello! I’m new to Philadelphia and want to start riding again after a long break. I’m not sure that what I’m looking for exists: a unicorn combination of low-key and high quality (I never attained any kind of circuit stardom myself, but I spent a number of years working in the show world and traveling to top H/J shows here and in Europe so I have standards, at least as far as quality care goes).

I’d happily lease something, settle into some lessons (again, not into a big lesson barn environment but with the right trainer I’m very interested), pay to flat sale horses or flat/trail ride an old school master at a private barn…any kind of creative way I can think of to get back into it without settling for a lesson factory or a BNT with a busy show schedule, which just isn’t for me at my old age (34). I’m rusty of course, but I’d say on a good day I ride like a competent amateur, soft and inoffensive to the horse (but I’m no genius!).

If anyone has ideas, has a horse that needs flatting, or knows a barn - please shoot me ideas! Ideally on the NJ side as I’m in Queen Village and getting to a Malvern or points west just isn’t feasible for me. Thank you so much.