I just adopted two kittens from a rescue and turns out they had ringworm. I have an appointment for the vet but soonest I could get in is the 28th. Any advice or over the counter things to get started would be greatly appreciated thank you!
Tinactin OTC cream works very well, plus you can use it on yourself when they pass it on the you!
P.S. We need pictures!
God speed. I got it from kittens I helped bathe and spent 8 weeks fighting it off myself. I’d contain them and only use white towels you can wash and bleach daily, wear gloves when handling, scrub yourself up to the elbows any time you handle them, and don’t wear the same clothing around other animals. Ringworm can set into carpet and fabric surfaces. The kittens took 2 round of 6 weeks of meds to clear it completely. I’d invest in a black light to monitor progress and push for the most aggressive protocol you can.
Oddly this strain whatever it is, doesn’t glow.
I have dealt with ringworm on several occasions because I do a lot of fostering. First, keep everything clean. You can buy Rescue, a very effective disinfectant for floors, surfaces, and you can even wipe kittens with it. You can buy lime dip from veterinary offices and probably online; it doesn’t require a prescription. Dip your kittens a couple of times a week. It is miserable, but effective. You can use topical antifungals, although personally I don’t think they are terribly effective. Your vet will likely prescribe some variety of Itraconazole, which I think is very effective. The good news about ringworm is nobody is sick, and the bad news is it takes at least three weeks to bring it to a halt.