I am wondering if someone here can help me with doing my own FEC test. I have a microscope and purchased the Eggzamin McMaster Method slides (https://www.eggzamin.com/eggzamin-products/eggzamin-fec-accessory-kit) but my results seem much higher than I would think.
I have two mares who are very healthy and shiny, are out pretty much 24/7 on a lot of land (15 acres-ish). I dewormed in April with Quest, and then this fall have tried an herbal dewormer as they have historically been low-moderate shedders. I thought I’d test to see if it was working. In November, I sent off manure for FECs and got the results of 18 EPG for Mare 1 and 74 EPG for Mare 2. After doing the herbal dewormer I wanted to see if these dropped or if I should hit them with a fall dewormer now that we’ve had solid frosts (I’m in VA).
I did the test yesterday, and I believe I followed all instructions correctly. I measured the manure - 4 grams on a kitchen scale (yes, my husband hates me) - with 26 ml of the solution. Filled both chambers and counted 40 eggs for Mare 1 and 83 for Mare 2. This is a count of all eggs within the grid pattern on each side of the slide (combined). The instructions say to multiply that by 25. This would give me 1000-2000 EPG. I feel like I am definitely doing something wrong but I’m not sure what!