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Help With Saddle Identification

Hello! First time posting here and I am hoping to get some help with a saddle identification. It has a latigo keeper that reads 8810 and a serial number that reads 89 1324 but I cannot find a saddle brand on it anywhere! Much appreciated for any h

elp you can provide. Thanks so much!

Looks like this Billy Cook?


I was thinking a Longhorn, but I would think a Billy Cook would be marked pretty clearly. Usually a logo at the front part of the seat near the pommel cutout.

There may be more information underneath the fenders or seat jockeys. Look everywhere, lift everything up, flip everything over and look in every nook and cranny with a flashlight. It could be a metal plate, or punched into the leather itself. My Billy Cook has a leather stamp and it’s WAY up in there, It took me a while to find as it wasn’t cared for all the well.

After years of my own research, I’d be inclined to believe the 8810 is the model number, 89 is the year it was made and 1324 is it’s serial number.

Man, that’s a good find. The number (8810) even lines up.

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Aww, thanks guys! I think that might be the one. Crazy about the no maker’s mark though because most Longhorns and Billy Cooks seem to have them. I will have to look harder though, it has to be there somewhere LOL!