I’m in the very early research phase of buying a truck and trailer in the next 12–18 months. This will be my first horse trailer as an adult, so I don’t know what I don’t know. We had a 2H BP growing up, and since then, I’ve relied on the generosity of barnmates to get me to and fro.
I’m an AA with one horse (16.1). I event and do dressage in the PNW, where shows typically run over three days. Many are in remote areas with limited hotel options, or the prices skyrocket during competition weekends (looking at you, Kalispell!). I’ve also done the painful, but not impossible, route of commuting home to shows within 90 minutes in my hybrid.
That said, it’d be amazing to have a small LQ so I can stay on-site, especially since most shows don’t have shower facilities. I also have a pipe dream of spending a month in CA or heading down to FL for a season.
Trailer needs:
I’m hoping for a 2H trailer with a small, functional LQ. My must-haves are: a bed, small kitchen (microwave, fridge, two-burner stovetop, and sink), and a shower/toilet combo. I really like the compact footprint of trailers like the Exiss Escape 7204 (4’6” short wall). It seems like the perfect balance for everyday travel and the functionality I’d need for weekend events.
Where I get stuck is storage. I’d really like enough space for:
- Tack for 2 horses. I only have one horse, but I’d like to offer a spot to a friend. Thinking of just saddles, bridles, boots, and a grooming kit. Anything else would come in the car with the 2nd rider.
- A couple bins for my extra equipment, first aid, trailer tools
- A medium-sized wheelbarrow and pitchfork
- Buckets, grain
- Outdoor rug, table, chairs
I plan to carry hay in the truck bed and pick up shavings on-site, but it may be nice to have space for an extra bag of shavings or two.
I see a lot of people opting for 2+1 or 3H configurations and converting the first stall into storage using a stud wall. But I’ve been wondering if a midtack might be a better option? I like the idea of having a solid wall. It doesn’t seem as common, and I’m curious why. I am admittedly a little scared of going too big and having issues maneuvering.
Questions for the group:
- For those with small LQ trailers, how do you manage storage? What is your dream setup? Any hacks? I’d love to see pictures!
- What are the pros and cons of a midtack versus converting a stall for storage?
- Are there other models with similar footprints to the Exiss Escape 7204 that you’d recommend?
- What’s a reasonable length to stay under?
- What kind of truck should I look at?
Thank you so much for your insights!