
Another note about making your case to medical professionals – in my experience, women doctors are just as guilty as males. Doctors all come from the same system.

OP your problem is just the kind of thing that gets pushed off, in the doctor’s office. For men, they want to get it fixed and keep him productive. For women, this is a “you problem”. Women and their endless emotions and need for attention – the medical industry is still rife with that attitude.

Starting with the front desk and appointment scheduling, as well as the exam room assistants who get things started (often they are critical because they are the ones who type in the notes to the permanent record), and finally the doctor – on your very first appointment where you will discuss this, be ready to present your case as if it were a presentation at work.

Don’t wait to be asked. Give your justifications as to how this is impacting your overall life and health. Verbal and written. These folk tend to be technically-oriented and often they respond well to a short and well-organized written description. Give them everything with confidence that this matters. Not in a supplicant “please help me” attitude, which is too often perceived as “attention-seeking”.

Not kidding about this. And don’t be surprised when they hand your information back to you without entering it in your record! Push on that as well.

Your ongoing care, and what important it is given, is all down to what they enter in your computer record. The record can be highly inaccurate based on who was typing what, during the appointment. That is a major reason for a lack of continuity, follow up and even interest by the doctor and the office. They don’t have the information. Because it isn’t getting into the record accurately at the one time that you are presenting it.

Again, your issue is not the standard thing they see daily, and GP offices prefer appointments to be standard – it fits their system more neatly. So be pushy and nosy, “Oh I see you’re typing, can I take a look? I just want to know.” Then barge up to the computer and take a look without an invitation. It’s sad but frequently this is the only way. Then cheerfully and firmly point out corrections and completeness that need to be added.

This is based on long experience with doctors for myself and for family members when I was the principal advocate. I would love to learn that things are getting better re medical attitudes – but in my experience, overall they aren’t. It is a special doctor who gives proper regard to all of their patients equally and without bias. Most of them just don’t. And would never admit that.

I am sure there are some answers out there to help you! Good luck!


This was shocking to me…I don’t want to take attention away from the OP, but I suffer from what appears to be unprovoked major disorientation (not dizziness) when driving, walking in stores, or major parking lots, for example. I elected to go to a female neurologist hoping for some empathy. She was the absolute worst one EVER! She told me since no one had helped me much so far, I needed to see a psychiatrist. I wrote a scathing g response to her (as I was so taken aback in the appointment) and copied the chair. She’s no longer there; I hope my letter contributed to that.


Not a female. Actually trans ftm!! But I guess that I get the same treatment :sweat_smile:
Never thought about being dismissed and things like that! Thanks for this!!


I’m almost certain it’s not motion sickness. I’ve never had issues with it before. Ever. Walk, trot, and everything else is fine. That’s why I made the biking comment.
I think I can rule out motion sickness because of a few other reasons as well! :slight_smile:

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I’ve used liquid iv and things like that before rides, during rides, etc. I know it’s not dehydration because I drink two full water bottles a day (the bigger ones) and drink during lessons.
I don’t really get stomach pain or anything like that, I just vomit. It’s really uncomfortable when it happens and my instructor keeps telling me to stop when I feel sick, but I don’t ever “feel sick”.
It’s very frustrating to not know when to stop and then be told I should’ve stopped when I felt sick! Lol

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My last pair of progressive lenses made me feel like throwing up in certain places or doing certain activities until I got a new prescription. Just wondering if your eyes have been checked.

I think the more complex the total set of issues, the harder it might be to get attention on extra random symptoms. You are trans ftm and you have debilitating headaches so those might take up a lot of medical space.

Are you on any hormone blockers or hormone therapy at your age yet? If so, have these impacted your migraines in any way? When did your migraines start, are they lifelong or did they start at puberty? When did the vomiting after running start? Assuming you ran around as a younger child, was that a problem?

I would say that being ftm trans is going to still code “female” in the back of the minds of the medical staff in terms of the hormonal and emotional components. Presenting male still isn’t going to get you treated like a cis male for both some legitimate reasons (the plumbing is different) and some not so legitimate (the lingering idea women are more emotional hysterical and have psychosomatic symptoms).

I think that since the vomiting is connected to two different activities, cantering and running, it’s obviously a real physiological reaction. From what you’ve said it doesn’t seem connected to food or even stomach, so like I said I would be looking at inner ear disturbances. I think it’s important to get to the root of this because might manifest in future in more crucial life activities.

How athletic are you? How fit are you? Does your medical team understand you have a commitment to these activities or is their attitude just “don’t do it if it makes you sick”? Do they think you are vomiting from anxiety or to get out of PE class or something? Do you present as someone who is athletically active, or do you have health or weight things going on? I think that if this started happening out of the blue to say a CIs male track runner or football player who was vomiting after practice, there would likely be a more concentrated diagnostic effort.

I agree with the poster above who said to get your explanation organized as a presentation, I’d add to keep a food and meds journal and document the sequence of events leading up to each incident.

Also it could be really useful to replicate the problem at the doctor’s if you have access to a treadmill (they use that for heart exams).


OP, if you have a ride that involves only walking and trotting, but for a good while, do you still get sick? Or only when you canter? And does it happen right after you break from canter/jumping to trot, or walk? If it’s only when you’re done and walking, can you do some slow cantering, then a nice extended trot, trot, then walk. I’m curious if a gradual slow down would help at all. I’m sorry you are going through this. My husband gets migraines, and when they are bad, he vomits (often happens when he’s driving, so he’ll have to pull over, poor guy). Do you take any medication for the migraines. If my husband can catch it at the very start and take medication, he can usually ward it off. Though he tends to get a little loopy with medication.

I agree with asking about vestibular / motion issue +/- migraine. Ask you doctor about trying Meclizine. This is the common ingredient used in motion sickness medication and you can buy the generic, over the counter, on line , very inexpensively ( about $7/100)

yours is a very challenging situation and it may be an issue you need to work closely with the endocrinologist or the specialist who is guiding your transition.

Hormone flux and imbalances can lead to a wild ride of symptoms. Many women who go through peri / menopause / post menopause can tell you about the list of things that are associated with hormones going crazy or being out of balance.

It is not an easy fix and I agree, getting a diary and recording food, activity and feeling results may go a long way

It’s only when I’m cantering! Long trots don’t bug me at all! It’s so weird!

No advice. Just lots of sympathy for your situation. I hope your migraines get under control. They sound awful.

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Acid blockers? Sounds trite but maybe your stomach just acts up at certain tempos and muscle use? Cantering is a whole different feel than trotting, especially if you post. Might be worth trying while you explore other areas, especially the migraines. Anxiety at all with cantering? I’d also wonder about ear issues while still trying to manage the migraines.

Have you spoken with the doc who’s providing your affirming care about all this? It may have something to do with your T, or even your ovaries (if you still have them.)

I have a good friend who was struggling with some “hip” pain, and when he went in for his hysto, his ovaries were quite cystic. Visceral pain could theoretically cause your symptoms, but getting to the bottom of that would probably take a doc who’s really familiar with gender affirming care & what all comes with that.


Motion sickness doesn’t always present with the queasy stomach everyone thinks it does. The rolling movement causes the eyes/ears/body to not signal each other about certain movements somehow and then when they do, the body reacts by throwing up or sometimes passing out.

I didn’t get the stomach part but would have an elevated heart rate and throw up off the side of my horse after a canter. I don’t throw up when I run, but I run like a deer with a broken leg so there is that. Turned out to be a weird inner ear thing and now that I’m older migraines have started due to it. Go see a good, I mean really good, ear/nose/throat doctor.


Hugs and sympathies on the migraines, I get them too but not nearly as bad as you do.
A few random ideas to try as you sort things out:

When hydrating, especially being migraine prone, make sure you take electrolytes in addition to water. I’ve had great luck with Salt Sticks. For me too much water, not enough electrolyte is a sure fire migraine trigger.

Do you still vomit if you do all your cantering in a 2 point or gallop seat?

I’ve had good luck with a combination of vitamin B2, magnesium, and CoQ10 cutting my number of migraines in half or more. There are decent studies on these vitamins showing reductions in the number of migraines for some people. Might be worth asking your doctor about it, it was my doctor that recommended it to me.

How’s your lower back? Any possibility of nerve impingement anywhere? Just wondering if the motion of canter is affecting something in your spinal canal.

I don’t have any insights beyond what others have already contributed on this thread. But I just wanted, as a PSA, to say that over-hydration (drinking too much water) can cause symptoms similar to dehydration.

I’m a runner and frequent a lot of running forums, and while I don’t have this issue, it’s not uncommon for a lot of younger track athletes when they run hard. Hard running can do this occasionally for a lot of people, but I’ve seen more than one post on Reddit from a track coach about a young athlete–both male and female–who puke after every hard run during a meet. Or in the middle of a hard race, even worse.

I’m not a doctor, but just FWIW, I think you may find more answers mentioning the running issue than the cantering issue, because running is more understood as a sport by doctors. As well as looking into treatment for vertigo and your migraines, though, you might want to keep a food diary to see if any foods trigger you, or even just how and when you eat affects symptoms. Eating too soon before exercise can cause nausea, but so can not eating enough. Any type of “bouncing” movement will affect your guts differently–going for a long walk after a meal is very different from going for a run.

I am familiar with the issue of over-hydration also related to running, and truthfully, I don’t think that’s likely unless you are chugging an enormous amount of water.

Speaking with a sports nutritionist might help lessen your symptoms–even if what you eat isn’t the root cause, they might be able to come up with a plan to lessen them. There is also physical therapy for vertigo that’s more sports-focused than just focused on medication.

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BTW I had the weirdest ear symptoms a few weeks ago, distorted hearing, made me rather anxious. Absolutely new thing to me. I wasn’t sure if I was getting vertigo. I went home, Googled, saw that it could be seasonal allergies, and took a Claritin. Problem solved. Was related to sinus inflammation that hadn’t manifested yet as sniffles.

Actually vertigo is on my radar because an elderly friend of mine took the antibiotic, I think Gentamicin, which can destroy your inner ear, and it basically ruined her life, she lost her balance big time. I think mom had transient vertigo in old age too (she also had stomach migraines triggered by chocolate).

So a lot of vertigo can be entirely in the ear, though it might seem like the stomach.

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I tried to pm you but was not able to. I think my “impossible to sort out” problem may be vestibular in nature, but ENTs to date say I’m fine. Could you share your diagnosis?