Hello!! This is my first post here!! I’ve been riding for as long as I can remember, but a few years ago when I started to canter, I’d throw up. This has continued to be an issue despite trying to get into better shape, eating healthier, drinking water, ect. I’ve been to multiple doctors and have gotten my heart rhythms looked at by a cardiologist, who said that all had seemed normal, as well as a neurologist for my migraines (I get chronic migraines almost daily and have a prescription for them but my MRI showed everything to be normal). This has been a pressing issue for such a long time and I’m not really a big fan of puking in front of my lesson group every time I ride.
What I’ve noticed is that I don’t notice anything wrong while I’m cantering/jumping, but as soon as I stop, I feel dizzy, nauseous, and then I puke. A lot.
I know for a fact that I’m breathing and focusing, as I count strides out loud and I also know that I don’t have motion sickness or anything like that, as riding a bike downhill is fine. I’ve also noticed that if I sprint with all of my effort, I vomit harshly.
I don’t think I’m pushing myself too hard, as I’m not out of shape. I’d really just like to get a rough idea of where to start with doctors and how to explain this stuff to them without them thinking I’m just out of shape or that I’m dehydrated.
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks so much!!