My mare was sound as can be before her previous owner got a hold of her, and now the training I do with her is mostly undoing what he and the race industry did to her. I have effectively brought her back to “sane” for the most part, but she still has one big thing…
Whenever I take her away from the barn, her anxiety and “hot” nature goes through the roof. It has gotten WAAYYY better, but its still a big pain. I take her out on rides often, during the summer its usually a 2 days a week thing, but during winter not so much. lol I think that has helped, and of course it helps when there’s another horse with us, but she still gets very strong and pushy, and forget standing still any longer than is needed to cross a road safely…
She is seriously a beginner safe lesson horse in the barn, but anyplace else and its quite a different story. I don’t really let anyone else ride her outside the barn except for me and my equally experienced sister, but in the barn I am very comfortable putting anyone on her.
I have observed that she behaves MUCH much better for me than anyone else outside the barn. I guess that means she trusts me and I’m doing something right! But if I put anyone else besides me and my sister (or my uncle who she is really fond of) on her, no matter their experience or riding level she is really bad… Like back to the first day I got her bad… Which is pretty friggin bad.
what can I do to help her? I have put her on a calming supplement before, and it did work for her, but this problem still existed. Maybe not as bad, but I’d rather teach her and fix the problem than using a tool to make it better without actually fixing the problem.
I know its not a tack issue or a physical issue, its not me, I don’t ride her any differently inside or out, and I’d like to think that I don’t get anxious or nervous, she doesn’t scare me, by now if I was still afraid of riding her outside after almost a year I should have a safer horse lol and we have had some really good days here and there… more now than ever, where she walks the entire time for me unless I ask her to pick up a different gait.
So she IS making progress, BUT there’s always days where its bad, and there’s a point I can’t get her past. I work with her almost every day if I can help it, and I think I just don’t have the experience or the knowledge to tackle this problem the way I want to.
I am on a limited budget, being eighteen and paying for my horse and loads of other things, so a trainer isn’t a realistic option for me, but I promise I’m really good at turning advice into results.
Thank you thank you thank you x 100 For any comments, advice, ect. It is really appreciated. For as much clutter and negativity I can accumulate here on COTH, (I get cranky too sometimes,) the helpful things are really worth it.